



1.congratulations on the new house! 恭贺搬场。当别人搬进新房子时,常用此句来表达祝福。【近义词句】

best wishes for your new house. 谨给予你的新居最好的祝福。 congrats on your new house. 恭贺搬场。

2.you guys work hard for it.你们真的很尽力。【近义词句】

you are really hard-working. 你很尽力。

you really put a lot of effort into it. 你很细心。

【有关词句】 you did your best. 你极力了。

you have tried your best. 你很尽力了。

3. i’m just not looking forward to cleaning it! 我只对错常不期望打扫房间。

look forward to 意为“期望某件事”,后边需加动名词或接名词。例如: i look forward to paying you a visit next week. 我等待着下星期去造访你。【同义例句】

i don’t exp

ect to clean the house. 我不期望打扫房子。

i hope i don’t have to clean the house. 我不期望打扫房子。

1. you have to do something romantic. 你们大约做些浪漫的事。


why don’t you do something romantic with corey? 为啥不好科里做些浪漫的事呢?

i suggest you do something romantic and fun on valentine’s day? 我主张你们在情人节做些浪漫而有意思的事。

2.what are you and corey doing for valentine’s day this friday? 你和科里这星期五会去做啥?

valentine’s day 情人节。此句运用动词的如今分词 be doing标明即将发生的事。【近义词句】

what will you and corey do for valentine’s day this friday? 你和科里这星期五会去做啥?

do you and corey have any plans for valentine’s day this friday? 这星期五情人节你喝科里有方案吗?

3. once upon a time 好久早年。

【有关词句】表达好久早年,还有以下几种常见用法; a long time ago, switzerland was conquered by austria. 好久早年,瑞士被奥有利地势并吞。

long long ago, there was a war between the birds and the beasts. 好久好久早年,鸟类和兽类发生了一场战争。

all that happened many moons ago. 那悉数都发生在好久早年。

1. don’t worry about it. 别放在心上。

worry about…意为“忧虑……”,这句话用来抚慰比二年,请别人不要把疑问放在心上。


never mind! 别介意! forget it! 别介意!【有关词句】

i’m sorry to hurt you. 我很抱愧损伤了你。

2. i just lost it. 我就心境失控了。

lost it在这儿指的是心境的失控,是一种很常用的表达方法。【近义词句】

i just lost my temper. 我心境失控了。【有关词句】

he totally lost control. 他完全失控了。

you need to control yourself. 你需要克己些。

3. i don’t know what happened to me. 我不晓得我昨日是怎么了。【有关词句】

i don’t know what’s wrong with you today. 我不晓得你今日哪里不队棰。

you are not yourself today. you have been acting so differently. 今日你怎么搞的?怎么都不像往常的你。



