

1. 打招呼与介绍:hello, how are you? i’m john smith, the sales manager of our company.
2. 询盘与报价:could you please send us your quotation for this product? we’re particularly interested in your high-end products.

3. 谈论商品规格与品质:could you please provide more information about the specifications and quality of your products? we need to make sure that they meet our requirements.
4. 谈论包装与运输:what are the packaging and shipping arrangements for your products? we prefer to use environmentally friendly packaging materials.
5. 谈论付款方式:what are the payment terms for your products? we usually use letter of credit for our international transactions.
6. 谈论交货时间:when can we expect the delivery of your products? we need them urgently for our next project.
7. 谈论售后服务:what is your after-sales service policy? we want to make sure that our customers are taken care of properly.
8. 表达感谢与歉意:thank you for your prompt reply. we appreciate your cooperation. sorry for any inconvenience caused to you.
9. 结束对话与邀请:it’s been a pleasure talking to you. we look forward to doing business with you in the future. please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.
1. 商务谈判技巧:when negotiating with clients, it’s important to be patient, listen carefully, and be prepared to compromise if necessary.
2. 处理投诉与纠纷:if a complaint arises, we should approach the matter in a friendly and cooperative manner, trying to find a mutually beneficial solution.
3. 建立长期合作关系:our goal is to establish long-term business relationships with our clients, so we always strive to provide the best possible service and products to meet their needs.
4. 谈论市场趋势:what are your thoughts on the current market trends for our industry? i think we’ll see continued growth in the coming years.
5. 了解客户需求:to better understand our customers’ needs, we conduct market research and try to offer customized solutions to meet their specific requirements.
6. 进行产品推广:we have a comprehensive marketing plan to promote our products, including social media campaigns, email blasts, and participation in trade shows.
7. 关注竞争对手:we keep a close eye on our competitors’ activities and try to learn from their strengths and weaknesses to improve our own business practices.
8. 谈论公司文化:our company culture is based on teamwork, innovation, and customer satisfaction, which is why we’ve been able to grow and succeed over the years.
9. 制定销售策略:we formulate sales strategies based on market conditio

ns, customer needs, and our product offerings to ensure maximum profitability.
1. 掌握行业术语:熟悉并掌握常用的行业术语,能够更准确地表达自己的想法,提高沟通效率。
2. 深入了解市场:通过对市场的深入了解,能够更好地把握商机,为客户提供更优质的服务。
3. 拓展人脉网络:通过参加展会、会议等活动,积极拓展人脉网络,与同行建立良好的关系。
4. 提高口语表达能力:通过多看、多听、多说等方式,提高自己的口语表达能力,让自己在与客户的交流中更加自信、流畅。
5. 了解国际贸易法规:熟悉国际贸易法规,能够更好地保障自己的权益,避免因不了解法规而导致的风险。
6. 持续学习与提升:外贸行业变化迅速,持续学习和提升至关重要。通过参加培训、阅读专业书籍等途径,不断提升自己的专业素养。
7. 培养耐心与毅力:外贸业务需要时间和耐心,要保持积极的心态,持之以恒地努力,才能取得更好的业绩。
8. 换位思考:站在客户的角度思考问题,了解客户的需求和关切,提供更好的解决方案。
9. 保持诚信与专业:在与客户交往中,始终保持诚信和专业,树立良好的信誉和口碑。

