



this is laura from sayclass!




networking is when you get to know someone in your job field. networking is so important, but it can be pretty intimidating. you want to make a good first impression. you want to sound smart, hardworking and friendly.


when you are networking, there are some important things to remember. be yourself. this will encourage the other person to open up too. treat everyone like they are your friend. people like to talk about themselves and you can learn a lot about the person’s job and how you can work together.


reading materials

networking is so important, but it can be pretty intimidating.


people like to talk about themselves and you can learn a lot about the person’s job and how you can work together.


review new words

prestigious adj. 受尊敬的,有声望的

harvard is the most prestigious university in the united states.


network v. 与人交流;建立关系网

i plan to network with other banking professionals at the training next week.



intimidating adj. 吓人的

i had a chance to meet ma yún and it was very intimidating!


first impression 第一印象

if you want to make a good first impression, you should wear professional clothes and have a firm handshake.


open up 展示,揭露

i could tell something was bothering my wife but she wouldn’t open up and tell me.



this week at my school we held an international conference. education experts from around the world came to our school and gave lectures. it was all very exciting to have so many guests from prestigious schools, but it also made me a little nervous. this is because i knew that i had to network. networking is when you get to know someone in your job field. if you know this person, then you can work together or maybe they can help you get a good job. networking is so important, but it can be pretty intimidating. you want to make a good first impression. you want to sound smart, hardworking and friendly. for me, this is uncomfortable, especially if the other person is very important!


when you are networking, there are some important things to remember. be yourself. this will encourage the other person to open up too. when you get to know someone, you want to get to know the real person, just like they want to get to know the real you. treat everyone like they are your friend. be polite and try to get to know them as a person, not just as a business-person. you can do this by asking good questions. people like to talk about themselves and you can learn a lot about the person’s job and how you can work together.



