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the celebrity gossip that’s been circulating lately concerns angelababy’s recent pregnancy. rumor has it that she used a surrogate for her delivery.


while there is stigma surrounding surrogacy because “it has been called a violation of natural law, a form of prostitution or baby selling, an exploitation of poor women, and a privilege of the rich and famous”, i don’t understand why people are questioning female celebrities’ ability to have that choice.


in this passage, i will talk about my opinion on this issue. if you have any opinion, please let us know.



reading material

my question for the conspiracy theorists that are obsessed with these fake pregnancy rumors is: who cares?


our continuous fixation on the matter may come from envy or jealousy.



words & phrases

surrogacy: n. 替身代孕;代孕行为

surrogacy is frequently denounced as exploitation.


stigma: n. 耻辱;污名

the stigma of having gone to prison will always be with ben.


maternity: n. 母性,母道 adj. 产科的;产妇的,孕妇的

she will be taking her maternity leave as of next month.


fathom: vt. 看穿;彻底了解;测量…的深度

the family could not fathom out the reason behind her recent disappearance.


double standard: 双重标准

there are many gender-based double standards, for example: single fathers are regarded as hard workers, whereas single mothers are defective.




the celebrity gossip that’s been circulating lately concerns angelababy’s recent pregnancy. rumor has it that she used a surrogate for her delivery. surrogacy is a method whereby a woman agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person. in a way, her womb is borrowed, and even though she may be genetically linked to the newborn, she does not become parent to the child.


while there is stigma surrounding surrogacy because “it has been called a violation of natural law, a form of prostitution or baby selling, an exploitation of poor women, and a privilege of the rich and famous”, i don’t understand why people are questioning female celebrities’ ability to have that choice. so what if they choose to have a surrogate? why must women carry their own babies? for women who consider maintaining a successful career equally as important as having a family, they should be given the opportunity to decide for themselves without having to withstand judgments and criticisms.


angelababy is not the first female celebrity to be questioned when it comes to the process of motherhood, beyoncé was famously tormented throughout her pregnancies… twice, first with her daughter blue ivy, and again when she became pregnant with a set of twins. many conspiracy theorists insisted she was “faking” her pregnancies, despite the countless photos and videos taken of her during her maternity. in fact, she even performed at the 2017 grammy award with her full belly shown!


my question for the conspiracy theorists that are obsessed with these fake pregnancy rumors is: who cares? our continuous fixation on the matter may come from envy or jealousy. we cannot fathom how some women can still remain gorgeous and perfect at a time when they should be feeling bloated and heavy. but at the same time, when these poor female celebrities have gained a few pounds, we immediately blast them for being too “fat” and “ugly”. we urge them to lose the weight in order to meet our impossibly high standa

rd for the ideal female again. such double standard needs to stop, and it begins with us not critiquing women on their bodies and their personal choices.



