

我们学英语已经学了十几年了,一张口大大小小都会说几句,比如 “hello” “goodbye” 等等,然而,时至今日,我们偶遇外国人,还是紧张的说不出话来,其实不是说不出口,而是我们掌握的英语口语实在是太少了,接下来,我就来安利大家更

多的的英语口语吧!学英语,成人学英语口语一.10种方式说 “hello” 和 “goodbye”1. hello2. hi3. (informal) hey4. hi there5. (informal) howdy6. bye7. bye-bye8. (informal) see ya later9. take care10. have a good one二.10种非正式的方式说 “yes” 和 “no”1. yeah2. yup3. mm-hmm!4. uh-huh!5. sure!6. nope7. nah8. mm-mm9. uh-uh10. no way!三.10种方式问候某人1. how are you?2. how’s it going?3. how ya doin’?4. how are things?5. how’s life?6. howhave you been?7. how’s your family?8. what’s up?9. what’s new?10. what have you been up to lately?四.10种方式回应问候某人1. i’m fine, thanks. how about you?2. pretty good.3. not bad.4. great!5. couldn’t be better!6. can’t complain.7. i’ve been busy.8. same as always.9. not so great.10. could be better.五.10种方式说谢谢你1. thanks.2. thanks a lot.3. thank you so much.4. thanks a million!5. thanks for your help. / thanks for helping me.6. i really appreciate it.7. i’m really grateful.8. that’s so kind of you.9. i can’t thank you enough.(对于极其重要的事情)10. i owe you one.(这意味着你想要/需要为另一个人帮一个忙)六.10种方式说不客气1. you’re welcome.2. no problem.3. no worries.4. don’t mention it.5. my pleasure.6. anytime.7. it was the least i could do.8. glad to help.9. sure!10. thank you.(当你也要谢谢对方就这么回答)英语不是我们的母语,所以我们知道的实在是太少了,要知道好多以英语为母语的人,他们并不会中文。所以,勇于开口说,不断尝试,变着法的说,才能说好英语!
