i did not yield! and as you can see, i am not dead! the challenge continues!我绝不屈服!看到没,我还没死!我还能战!
what happens now determines what happens to the rest of the world.如今发生的一切,都牵一发而动全球。
but in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers.然危机四伏之时,智者筑桥,愚者设障。
you are a good man, with a good heart. and it’s hard for a good man to be a king.孩子,你是好人,有颗善心,但是好人难当王啊。
a man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father.身为人父,倘若无法令其子女欣然接受其离世,则愧为人父。
that is not what?i meant. i am not ready to be without you.
“if you’re not so stubborn,you would make a great queen.”“如果你没有这么固执,你会是个好女王的。”
“i would make a great queen because i am stubborn—if that’s what i wanted.”“我会是个好女王的,正是因为我这么固执——如果我想要当女王的话。”
they knew death was better than bondage.他们知道 比起失去自由,死亡是更好的选择。
if the world finds out what we really look like and what we ha.ve, we will face war and death.
his majesty, to show you a good thing, it is more light,
fully powered, and can redistribute the absorbed energy.
take me to see the king. what do you want? your throne.
the world will be re – shuffled, and i’m going to be above ten thousand.
don’t be afraid. i never dread.
what is happening now will reverse the fate of the world.
当然最让我泪目的还是这一幕,电影《黑豹》里博斯曼说过:“in my culture,death,is not the end.it’s more of a……stepping-off point .you reach out with both hands and bast and sekhmet . they lead you into the green veldt where…… you can run foever.(在我的文化里,死亡并不是终结,更像是 前往陌生领域的起点,你向芭丝特与塞赫麦特伸出双手,他们带你走进绿草原,在那里,你可以永远奔跑下去。) ”这段台词就好像说出了博斯曼的心声,死亡不是终结,灵魂会得到归宿,重新再看这个桥段,眼泪止不住的往下流。
有关黑豹中英语经典台词你知道有哪些吗?以上就是小编今天的分享,我想起黑豹最经典的那句话“wakanda forever”,小编作为一个漫威迷,听到这噩耗,简直真的觉得整个人都不舒服,小编也去重刷了《黑豹》《复联3》《复联4》,看到有些关于黑豹的经典台词还是觉得蛮不错的,大家可以收藏起来。