旅游实用英语八十句 英汉对照 – 哔哩哔哩

旅游实用英语八十句 英汉对照 – 哔哩哔哩

1. can you recommend a good hotel? 你能推荐一家好的酒店吗?
2. how much does a room cost per night? 一个房间每晚多少钱?
3. is breakfast included in the room rate? 早餐是否包含在房价中?
4. can i have a room with a view? 我可以要一间带景观的房间吗?
5. do you have any vacancies tonight? 今晚有空房间吗?
6. can i see the room before i book it? 在预订之前我可以看看房间吗?
7. how far is it to the nearest beach? 最近的海滩有多远?
8. do you have a swimming pool? 你们有游泳池吗?
9. is there a gym or fitness center? 有健身房或运动中心吗?
10. what time is check-in/check-out? 入住/离店时间是什么时候?
11. can i leave my luggage here until later? 我可以把行李放在这里直到稍后吗?
12. how do i get to…? 我怎么去……?
13. is there a shuttle service to the airport/train station? 有往返机

14. what’s the best way to get around this city? 在这个城市里最好的交通方式是什么?
15. could you give me directions to…? 你能告诉我去……的路线吗?
16. how much does a taxi to the airport/train station cost? 去机场/火车站打的多少钱?
17. are there any guided tours available? 有什么导游旅行团可以参加吗?
18. can i rent a bike/car here? 我可以在这里租自行车/汽车吗?
19. what’s the weather like today/tomorrow? 今天/明天天气怎么样?
20. do i need a visa to enter this country? 我需要签证才能进入这个国家吗?
21. what are some local customs/traditions i should be aware of? 有哪些当地的习俗和传统我应该知道?
22. are there any safety concerns i should be aware of? 有哪些安全方面的考虑我应该知道?
23. is it safe to drink the tap water here? 在这里,饮用自来水是安全的吗?
24. can you recommend a good restaurant nearby? 你能推荐附近一家好的餐厅吗?
25. what’s the local specialty food/drink? 当地的特色食物/饮料是什么?
26. how much does a meal for two cost on average? 两个人的餐费平均多少?
27. do i need to tip in restaurants/bars? 在餐厅/酒吧里需要给小费吗?
28. what’s the best time to visit this city/country? 参观这个城市/国家最好的时间是什么时候?
29. what are some must-see attractions here? 在这里必须参观的景点有哪些?
30. are there any festivals or events happening during my stay? 在我逗留期间有任何节日或活动吗?
31. how much does a ticket to…cost? 去……的门票多少钱?
32. is there a discount for students/seniors/families? 学生/老年人/家庭有优惠吗?
33. can i take photos inside the museum/gallery? 在博物馆/美术馆内可以拍照吗?
34. what’s the best way to get to the top of this mountain/viewpoint? 到达山顶/观景台最好的方法是什么?
35. can i swim in the ocean/lake/river? 我可以在海洋/湖泊/河流中游泳吗?
36. are there any restrictions on what i can bring into the country? 我能携带什么物品进入这个国家吗?
37. can you recommend a good local guide or tour company? 你能推荐一家好的当地导游或旅行社吗?
38. what’s the currency exchange rate? 货币兑换率是多少?
39. where is the nearest atm/bank? 最近的atm/银行在哪里?
40. can i pay with credit card here? 在这里可以用信用卡支付吗?
41. is there free wi-fi available? 有免费的wi-fi吗?
42. do you have any recommendations for nightlife activities? 你有任何关于夜生活活动的建议吗?
43. what’s the best way to experience the local culture? 体验当地文化最好的方式是什么?
44. are there any famous local artists or musicians i should check out? 有哪些著名的当地艺术家或音乐家我应该了解?
45. how do i say…in the local language? 怎样用当地语言说……?
46. can you recommend a good place to buy souvenirs? 你能推荐一家好的购买纪念品的店铺吗?
47. what’s the dress code for this event/place? 这个场合/地方需要遵守怎样的着装规定?
48. what’s the time difference between here and my home country? 这里和我的家乡国家之间有多少时差?
49. is there a pharmacy nearby? 附近有药房吗?
50. can you recommend a good spa/massage place? 你能推荐一家好的水疗中心/按摩店吗???
51. how do i get to the destination? 我怎样去[目的地]?
52. is public transportation available? 公共交通是否可用?
53. how much is a taxi to [destination]? 去[目的地]打的要多少钱?
54. are there any good restaurants nearby? 附近有没有好的餐厅?
55. what’s the local specialty dish? 当地的招牌菜是什么?
56. can you recommend a vegetarian restaurant? 你能推荐一家素食餐厅吗?
57. is it safe to drink tap water here? 这里的自来水安全吗?
58. are there any health or safety concerns i should be aware of? 有哪些健康或安全方面的问题我应该知道?
59. what’s the weather like during this time of year? 这个时候的天气如何?
60. what are some popular tourist attractions in the area? 这个区域有哪些受欢迎的旅游景点?
61. how much does admission cost? 入场费用是多少?
62. is it necessary to book tickets in advance? 是否需要提前预订门票?
63. what’s the best time of day to visit [attraction]? 参观[景点]的最佳时间是什么时候?
64. are there any guided tours available? 是否提供导游服务?
65. how long does it usually take to tour [attraction]? 参观[景点]通常需要多长时间?
66. can you recommend a good place to stay? 你能推荐一家好的住宿地点吗?
67. is there a swimming pool or fitness center on-site? 现场有游泳池或健身中心吗?
68. what’s included in the room rate? 房价包括哪些项目?
69. can i request a late check-out? 我可以要求延迟退房吗?
70. are there any additional fees or taxes i should be aware of? 有哪些额外费用或税收我需要知道?
71. how do i get to the airport/train station/bus terminal? 我怎样去机场/火车站/汽车站?
72. how early should i arrive at the airport/train station/bus terminal? 我应该提前多久到达机场/火车站/汽车站?
73. are there any luggage restrictions i should be aware of? 有哪些行李限制我需要知道?
74. can i bring my pet with me? 我可以带上我的宠物吗?
75. is there wi-fi available? 是否提供 wi-fi?
76. what documents do i need to travel? 我需要什么文件才能出行?
77. can i use my credit card here? 我可以在这里使用我的信用卡吗?
78. what is the local currency and exchange rate? 当地货币是什么,汇率是多少?
79. are there any cultural or social customs i should be aware of? 有哪些文化或社交习俗我应该知道?
80. what emergency services are available? 有哪些紧急服务可用?
