

??1. no problem!


-could you help me with xxx?

-no problem!


-thank you!

-no problem.


-oh sorry!

-no problem!

2. go by

在课堂自我介绍时,有时会说中文名,然后英文名。instead of saying “my chinese name is xxx, and my english name is xxx.”, 你可以这样说:

-my name is xxx(你的原名), and i go by xxx(你的英文名).

一些美国学生不乐意用自己的原名,而偏好昵称,也可以用go by来表达:

-my name is catherine, and i go by cat.

3. appreciate it!


除了常见的”thank you very much!”,”thanks a lot!”以外,我觉得最好听的就是“appreciate it!”

4. have a good one!

美国人很喜欢互相道好,无论认识不认识。每次和人再见的时候(可能是下班,结完账离开超市,下课等等),往往会对同事/收银员/老师/…说声”have a good day/night”之类的。有时下午5,6点,天还没黑,我总会把”have a good night!”说成”have a good day!”,后来发现,还有种更简易的表达,日夜均可使用,即”have a good one!”,简单顺口,客套必备。


这是种b格很高的表达方式,在每张美元背面都有一句话”in god we trust”(如下图)

此外有次等红灯时,看见前面一辆车的车牌上的motto写的是”united we stand”,当时瞬间感受到这种句式的力量与b格,于是脑补出一句“a sandwich i had”。

6. without further ado

这句在youtube视频里经常听到,那些youtubers在视频开头往往先介绍这个视频是干什么的,再顺便扯几句近期生活,然后在切入正题之前,有时会用这么一句”without further ado, let’s get started.”这句话的意思就类似于“废话少说,让我们开始吧。”


7. figure

当想表达“我觉得/我认为/我猜”的时候,有个很好用的表达就是“i figure..”

-i figured you might wanna be alone for a while, so i didn’t bother you.

8. petite/plus size/pale/fair/tan/dark



在形容人胖的时候,fat明显不够委婉,可以说plus size。


9. email常用礼貌用语

-i hope this email finds you well.用于开头。

-any response will be appreciated.用于结尾,通常正文是找对方询问事情。

-please feel free to let me know if there should be any question.用于句尾,通常正文是上交文件,材料,或者回答问题等。

-it would be great/the best if you could…这就是传说中比”could you please…”还要更加委婉的请求式句型了。

10. i’m good.

这句可以用来回答how are you?此外,常用于:

-do you want some chips with your sandwich?

-no, i’m good. thanks.

-do you have any questions?

-no, i’m good.


-do you wanna go to a strip club?

-i’m good.

11. shoot


-whenever you need help, just shoot me an email. (比send更口语化)

-i’ve collected some negative comments on you.

-shoot. (类似于go ahead说吧)

-i was shooting for 100, but 98 is ok. (意为本想冲击100分)

-oh shoot…(其实就是oh s**t! 的委婉说法)

12. 结束对话用语

-i’ll leave you be. (类似于“打扰了”,“告辞了”,是在《纸牌屋》里看到claire对一个白宫工作人员或是记者说的)

-as you were. (这句通常上司对下属讲完工作之后可能用到,是在《基本演绎法》里看到的)

13. off the hook


-he paid all the fines so he’s finally off the hook now.

-he’s off the hook, he doesn’t do drugs any more.

《绝望主妇》里面bree问她儿子andrew,现在年轻人还说”awesome”吗?andrew告诉她,他们现在都说”off the hook”,可见,这个词组也有cool, awesome之意。

-that party was off the hook!

印象中《宋飞正传》里jerry, elaine和george有对off the hook和on the hook的一段讨论,但是在网上搜出来的似乎都是小黄网站,于是隐隐觉得似乎这个表达不是什么好表达了。。。

14. hands down

有“绝对,毫无疑问”之意。可以这样联想,因为毫无疑问,所以不会举手提问,也就是hands down。

-my favorite tv show is hands downfriends.

15. though


-do you want me to get you a cup of coffee?

-no, i’m good. thank you though. (意为不过还是)



-that scream though. (重音在scream)


-that sneeze though.(重音在sneeze)

16. sure/of course/certainly



-can i give you a call?


-would you like to get a cup of coffee or something?


而of course则有“那当然了”,“不用多说”的意味在里面:

-there are, of course, exceptions to the rule.

-what do you do now?

-still farming.

-of course.

(此对话来自《唐顿庄园》里庄主robert问他领地里的一位农民现在做些什么,农民回答还是做农活,并且一脸颓丧的样子,潜台词是“我还能做啥,还不是做做农活而已”,robert听后稍愣了一下,大概觉得自己问的问题有点愚蠢,于是说了句of course. 可见,如果问了一个本该知道答案的问题,对方回答后,你可以说这么一句of course.)



17. 模糊语气

在表达“差不多”,“接近”,“…的样子” ,“之类的”等模糊的意思时,除了nearly, approximately, almost, kind of, sort of 等词汇外,更口语的说法还有or so, -ish, …something等:

-he has worked in the company for a year and two months or so.

-after dinner i had 30 cherries or so.

-that movie was good-ish.(此人应该觉得电影并不怎么好看)

-that color is blue-ish.

-let’s meet around 9-ish.

-30 books every twenty-something girl must read.


-wanna a cup of water or something?

18. sense

sense的意思非常多,有“…感”,“意思/意识”,“目的”等,无法和一个中文词汇完全对应。国内用到a sense of的标配经常是a sense of humor,其实可以使用的范围非常广。

-what is the sense of going out in the rain?


-the purpose of the meeting is to let you get a sense of how we work.


-does that make sense to you?


19. 没听懂对方的话时

听不懂或没听清对方的意思,这种状况常常发生,不论你是不是native speaker。除了sorry? excuse me? could you repeat that? 以及英语课本里教的i beg your pardon? 可以用来要求对方再说一遍外,还可以这样告诉对方你没听清:


-sorry, you lost me.


-sorry, i didn’t follow.

20. a touch of

意为”一点儿”, 但是不是比a little, a bit of听起来要更有画面感?

-“chinese white tie” means white tie with a touch of china. (这是美国vogue杂志主编anna wintour给记者解释刚过去的中国主题met gala的dress code的含义时用的原句。)

-i have a touch of flu and need some rest.(意为“轻微的”)

21. shy of

意思类似于short of。

-he’s just shy of 6 feet. (”接近”6英尺=1.8288米)

《老友记》里面有次6人玩扑克牌,ross加注的时候发现钱不够了,说了句”joey, i’m a little shy here.”,意思是钱不够了,想找joey借钱,结果joey傻了吧唧地拍了拍ross肩膀,说有哥们儿在,不怕。还好chandler听出了shy的第二层意思,掏出了钱包。

22. dress up/down

dress up可不是穿上衣服的意思,而是穿着正式的意思,相应的穿着随意则是dress down.

-you need to dress up for the dinne

r. but during the daytime, you can dress down as you like.

23. 又是几个对话常见表达,适用于特定场合。

在宾馆/图书馆/售票处/电话客服..办事结束后,经常会听到一句”you’re all set.” 听到这句话就知道事儿已办妥可以拎着东西滚了。如果不知道自己的事儿是不是弄好了,而对方又专心致志作敲键盘状时,可以问一句”am i all set?” 不要像楼主第一次住完宾馆在前台傻了吧唧地站在那儿等人家给我receipt等了二十分钟,人家终于忍不住问我”what else can i help you with?”才知道我早就可以滚了。

有时用公共饮水机/洗手池时有可能不巧地前面正好有人在使用,于是站在别人身后两英尺处耐心等待,同时说一声”take your time” 让对方不用太着急,对方使用完可能对你说声”all yours”让你放心上前使用,文明的世界真美好。

24. at some point


-at some point i decided she was no longer my friend. (表示之前某时刻)

-do you want me to add that information in the document?

-no. but at some point we will need that.

(表示将来某时刻,比in the future明显更适用)

25. comfort


-you should make sure you are comfortable with the height every time you jump off. (这是楼主第一次去攀岩俱乐部玩抱石时,教练对我说的,comfortable在这里的意思更贴近于“没有不适,能接受”)

-if no support was provided, we should perform audit steps to obtain comfort that the item was appropriately included. (这里意译过来应该是“确保”,意思等同于make sure)


26. thing


-i think he has a thing for you. (就是中文里“他对你有意思”的意思)

-being funny is chandler’s thing and ross’s thing is getting divorced. (来自《老友记》,这里thing不好翻译,可以理解为“某人最显著的特质”,即让别人想到你就联想起来的东西。)

27. have/get your back


-if you ever need help, just ask. you know i have your back.

-just go ahead. don’t worry. i got your back.

28. in the middle of nowhere


-bree once dropped her teenage son in the middle of nowhere.

29. walk through


-could you walk me through the process so i can get a better understanding of your business?

30. 标点符号的说法


, comma

. period

— dash (破折号,用法为句子a – 句子b,注意字符两边都有空格)

# pound (#有时候可作编号之意,比如“#1”为“编号1”, 而no.1则为“排名第一”)

/ slash

\ backslash

“” quote

() [] {} brackets


_ underscore

– hyphen (连字符,用法为word-word,组成一个新词,例如anti-discrimination,字符两边没有空格)

~ tilde

! exclamation point/mark

? question mark

‘ apostrophe

: colon

; semicolon

? bullet

numerator 分子

denominator 分母


31. doesn’t hurt to do something


-it does’t hurt to take a look of what you’ve done and see if it could be improved.

32. you might wanna/you don’t wanna


-you might wanna have a cup of water at hand in case that food is too spicy.

-you don’t wanna call her in the middle of the night. you don’t know how grumpy she could be.

33. can use some


-after a long week, i can really use some rest.

-that shirt is too flashy.

-you can use some flash.


34. at the end of the day


-they all said they would help me, but at the end of the day nobody did.

35. the last thing i wanna do


-the last thing i wanna do is hurting your brother.


36. be my guest


-can i have the last piece of cake?

-sure! be my guest.


monica : he took up the carpets and now you can hear everything.

phoebe : well, why don’t you go up there and ask him to just, like “step lightly, please”?

monica : i have, like five times, but they guy is so charming that i go up there to yell and then i end up apologizing to him.

phoebe : ewww, that is …(angrily) silly. i’ll go up there, i’ll tell him to keep it down.

monica : alright. be my guest.

37. gut


-i don’t know how to decide.

-well, what does your gut tell you?


-i hate that guy! i want to punch him in the face!

-you don’t have the guts.

38. it works


-i don’t understand how polygamy works.

-we tried a new model and it worked!

39. buy that


-he said he didn’t do it but i don’t buy it.

-she told me she missed our date because she had to work.

-that’s so made up! i can’t believe you bought it.

40. table

几个和table有关的表达:bring to the table和on/off the table。

bring to the table指“带来的好处”:

-do you have any advice for me on the interview?

-just be yourself and talk what you can bring to the table with all the experience you have.

on the table指“考虑的”,相应的,off the table指“不作考虑的”:

-the proposed new bill will soon be on the table in parliament.

-we will take no options off the table to achieve that goal.

