

black cats: the good, the bad, and the misunderstood关于黑猫的传说
halloween brings with it scary stories about mythical creatures — ghosts, goblins, and vampires. there is one pet that tends to get lumped in with these imaginary creatures — the black cat.
in medieval times in europe, it was believed that black cats were the familiars of witches or even shape-shifting witches themselves.
even in modern times, as silly as it sounds, you still hear of black cats being associated with superstitions and black magic.
in honor of black cat appreciation day that falls on august 17 every year, let’s try to dispel this myth!
certain coincidences, such as something unlucky happening on the same day as an encounter with a black cat, seem to suggest otherwise, but these stories are myths without any truth to them.
while the myth that black cats are ba

d luck is the most common, there are many traditions from countries all over the world that have different beliefs about black cats.
ancient egyptians kept black cats in their homes and as pets, as they believed that the goddess bastet had a deep connection to black cats and that the cats would bring good fortune from the goddess.
sailors in the united kingdom between the 17th and 18th century also had superstitions about black cats. they believed that keeping a black cat aboard was lucky, and many vessels had ship’s cats.
in the english midlands, black cats are a wedding gift for brides, as they will supposedly give the bride good luck and happiness in her marriage.
of course, cats are just cats. they are more interested in a belly rub than causing ill will or bringing good fortune.

get lumped in with …? 被归为一类
medieval times? 中世纪时代
hear of? 听到;听说
be associated with? 和…联系在一起;与…有关
in honor of? 为了纪念…;为了向…表示敬意
all over the world? 全世界;举世;五洲四海;普天之下
have a connection to? 与…有联系;与…相关联
good fortune? 福分;福气;幸事;好运
good luck? 好运;大吉大利;鸿运;顺风
be interested in? 对…感兴趣
