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prostate cancer is not just one solid and sole entity as a whole in the prostate. you can have multitude of areas. so it’s a multifocal disease as a whole. yes you can find one small area or one even larger area of just that solitary focus of prostate cancer, but as a whole we’re finding several different areas, and they’re not all the same grade of cancer. so when we do that biopsy, that pathologist will then look at that prostate and look at that cancer, and say this is a specific grade, and again whether that’s a g

leason 3 or whether that’s a gleason 4. and then again we come up with that score. so you have those two numbers together. okay, so let’s talk about that. so if they see all in, we’ll make it simple, if the only score that they see, the only grade that they see is a three by default, that gleason score is a three plus three, again three plus three equals six. so that’s a gleason score of six, pretty easy. all we see is a gleason grade of three, and by default it’s a three plus three.

字幕 注释:赵晨 袁杰



1. prostate [?prɑ:ste?t] n. 前列腺

2. multifocal [‘m?lt?fo?kl] 多病灶的

3. solitary [?sɑ:l?teri] adj. 单个的

【what is the gleason grading system(part2)前列腺癌gleason分级系统】




