






it uses its large jaws (嘴) to collect a sticky goo, called resin, from trees. the bee(9) ______ (make) its home in termite mounds (白蚁丘) found on trees, using the resin to protect its nest from the termites.





on the 20th of that month, dr. welch ______ (36) a sick boy, billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious (传染的) disease mainly affecting children.

36. a. examined b. warned c. interviewed d. cured

本题考察动词,注意看前后的动词,后面的动词是knew,所以很容易排除掉cured;此外,warned 和interviewed 与knew也无法构成先后关系;只有examined 可以,先检查,后来了解到得了什么疾病。

















with the development of modern science, it (1) ________ (seem) that we are living in greater comfort and better conditions. but, in fact, we are not really living such a better life. this is because we are now producing much (2) ________ rubbish than ever before, and many of us are not aware of environmental (3) ________ (protect).


recently i (4) ________ (find) many of us students spend too much time sending text messages or (5) ________ (play) games on cell phones, (6) ________ has negative effects on our studies and also does harm to our eyes. worse still, it is a waste of time. we have little time to communicate with (7) ________ (we) parents and friends. nor do we have time for physical exercise.


a black hole is a spot in space that has (8) ______ (power) gravity. its gravity is so strong that it pulls everything nearby into it, stars, planets and other things. black holes form when a star dies. when that happens, a huge amount of matter crowds into a very small space, (9) ______ becomes very dense. black holes (10) ______ (talk) about in 1783 first. that year, one scientist said that in the universe, there might be places with strong gravity to trap light, although he didn’t use the term “black hole”.


(1). seems (2). more (3). protection (4). have found (5). playing

(6). which (7). our (8). powerful (9). which (10).were talked





education from my father

my memories of my father are slim because he was so sick in the last years of his life. but there are 36 that i am often reminded of and which may have had some bearing on my love of 37 .

when i was small i was somewhat 38 of lightning and thunder. my father explained it. the explanation was in 39 that a child could understand but was basically correct. i gained a better 40 later, but i didn’t have to unlearn anything.

what he said was that there was electricity in the clouds 41 it travelled to the ground like a spark. when it travelled 42 the air it made the air so hot that it 43 . then there was nothing where the air had been and the air all around rushed in to 44 the space. he clapped his hands together very loud, 45 to be the air rushing in, and said that makes the thunder. when i hear thunder, i can still hear that 46 .

he explained why if it was cloudy in the winter the night was warmer than if it was 47 . it was one of those nights when the sky was full of stars: no moon, no town lights. but there were more stars than you could 48 and they had color too. he said that if there were no clouds, we had no blankets and were 49 to the universe. our warmth was going to 50 the whole universe. when there were clouds, they were like blankets and we were not exposed to the universe. i 51 feel on the edge of space on a very clear night.

i am sure there were many other lessons that i 52 but no longer remember. what i did 53 , in general, was that there were explanations and that the more i understood them, the more comfortable the world was to live in. i was not taught that there were 54 but that there was understanding if you looked for it. this may be why i have always been 55 in science.

36. a. others b. few c. some d. all

37. a. science b. nature c. weather d. universe

38. a. sure b. fond c. tired d. afraid

39. a. depth b. words c. gestures d. data

40.a.understanding b.knowledge c. command d. confidence

41. a. but b. and c. for d. or

42. a. above b. to c. along d. through

43. a. shone b. burned c. expanded d. broke

44. a. fill b. make c. avoid d. break

45. a. trying b. proving c. hoping d. pretending

46. a. clap b. remark c. voice d. crash

47. a. cold b. bright c. clear d. foggy

48. a. explore b. foresee c. imagine d. identify

49. a. committed b. exposed c. related d. led

50. a. heat b. protect c. extend d. light

51. a. ever b. also c. even d. still

52. a. selected b. arranged c. absorbed d. delivered

53. a. consider b. promise c. explain d. learn

54. a. memories b. blankets c. mysteries d. thunders

55. a. engaged b. interested c. successful d. skillful


cadba bdbad accba dcdcb



39.注意分析句型,且要注意words 是和下段中中的said做照应。




why college is not home

the college years are supposed to be a time for important growth in autonomy (自主性) and the development of adult identity. however, now they are becoming an extended period of adolescence, during which many of today’s students are not shouldered with adult responsibilities.

for previous generations, college was a decisive break from parental control; guidance and support needed to come from people of the same age and from within. in the past two decades, however, continued connection with and dependence on family, thanks to cell phones, email and social media, have increased significantly. some parents go so far as to help with coursework. instead of promoting the idea of college as a passage from the shelter of the family to autonomy and adult responsibility, universities have given in to the idea that they should provide the same environment as that of the home.

to prepare for increased autonomy and responsibility, college needs to be a time of exploration and experimentation. this process involves “trying on” new ways of thinking about oneself both intellectually (在思维方面) and personally. while we should provide “safe spaces” within colleges, we must also make it safe to express opinions and challenge majority views. intellectual growth and flexibility are fostered by strict debate and questioning.

learning to deal with the social world is equally important. because a college community (群体) differs from the family, many students will struggle to find a sense of belonging. if students rely on administrators to regulate their social behavior and thinking pattern, they are not facing the challenge of finding an identity within a larger and complex community.

moreover, the tendency for universities to monitor and shape student behavior runs up against another characteristic of young adults: the response to being controlled by their elders. if acceptable social behavior is too strictly defined (规定) and controlled, the insensitive or aggressive behavior that administrators are seeking to minimize may actually be encouraged.

it is not surprising that young people are likely to burst out, particularly when there are reasons to do so. our generation once joined hands and stood firm at times of national emergency. what is lacking today is the conflict between adolescents’ desire for autonomy and their understanding of an unsafe world. therefore, there is the desire for their dorms to be replacement homes and not places to experience intellectual growth.

every college discussion about community values, social climate and behavior should include recognition of the developmental importance of student autonomy and


self-regulation, of the necessary tension between safety and self-discovery.

67.what’s the author’s attitude toward continued parental guidance to college students?





68.the underlined word “passage” in paragraph 2 means ______.





69.according to the author, what role should college play?

a.to develop a shared identity among students.

b.to define and regulate students’ social behavior.

c.to provide a safe world without tension for students.

d.to foster students’ intellectual and personal development.

70.which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?

i: introduction p: point sp: sub-point (次要点) c: conclusion







last year, researchers from the university of michigan reported that empathy, the ability to understand other people, among college students had dropped sharply over the past 10 years. __71_ today, people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs.

jennifer freed, a co-director of a teen program, has another explanation. turn on the tv, and you’re showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting, competing, and generally treating one another with no respect. __72__

there are good reasons not to follow those bad examples. humans are socially related by nature. __73__ researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high self-respect. besides, empathy can be a cure for loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and fear.

empathy is also an indication of a good leader. in fact, freed says, many top companies report that empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new managers. __74__ “academics are important. but if you don’t have emotional (情感的) intelligence, you won’t be as successful in work or in your love life,” she says.

what’s the best way to up your eq (情商)? for starters, let down your guard and really listen to others. __75__

to really develop empathy, you’d better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership, have a “sharing circle” with your family, or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.

71.everyone is different, and levels of empathy differ from person to person.

72.that could be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time, the researchers said.

73.“one doesn’t develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking,” freed says.

74.humans learn by example—and most of the examples on it are anything but empathetic.

75.empathy is a matter of learning how to understand someone else—both what they think and how they feel.

76.good social skills—including empathy—are a kind of “emotional intelligence” that will help you succeed in many areas of life.

77.having relationships with other people is an important part of being human—and having empathy is decisive to those relationships.





75题,注意本段的主旨,讲的是best way, 部分学生会选择75,注意下75句是下定义的句子,一般会放在首段。


假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你写信建议你的美国朋友george 参加中国日报 (china daily)专门为外国人举办的2018“最美中国”(amazing china)手机摄影大赛。信的内容包括:

1. 作品内容要求;

2. 提交时间和方式;

3. 表示愿意提供帮助。

注意: 1. 词数不少于50;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

dear george,


li hua

one possible version:

dear jim,

it’s great to hear from you. knowing you want to see an exhibition about chinese culture, i’d like to recommend one to you.

the exhibition of chinese folk arts and crafts is now on at the capital museum and will last until april 30th with free admission. artists from all over the country bring their masterpieces: nianhua paintings from tianjin, kites from weifang, paper-cuts from shaanxi, and so on.

i strongly suggest you visit this exhibition, for it will totally immerse you in chinese culture. you will have a great chance to watch the artists create their works up close. moreover, there is even a hands-on area for you to make your own art.

does this exhibition appeal to you? if you are interested, log onto the museum’s official website to make a reservation. you won’t be disappointed, i promise!


li hua




假设你是红星中学高三一班学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后 顺序,用英文为校刊写一篇短文,记述上周末你和家人参加社区义务 劳动的全过程。

注意:词数不少于 60。

提示词:垃圾夹 trash grabber

one possible version:

last friday, when i came back home from school, a notice at the entrance to my building caught my eye. it called on people to take part in the voluntary work on the following sunday. the notice aroused my great interest, urging me to share it with my family immediately.

after supper, we talked about what we could do for the voluntary opportunity. we agreed on picking up the trash and then we started making trash grabbers. by tying the bamboo pieces together, we made several trash grabbers.

then came the big voluntary day! carrying those trash grabbers, we went downstairs and was amazed that some people had already started their job. some were sweeping the ground while some were cleaning the benches. without any delay, we joined them. everyone redoubled their

efforts in the cleaning.

that evening, i penned this voluntary opportunity on my diary, as this experience made me feel the joy of labor. it certainly is worth the active participation.





