课标(人教版)英语高二下Book7 Unit1同步指导与测试(高清图片,可打印,附答案)

课标(人教)英语高二下Book7 Unit 1同步指导与测试,内容涵盖同步课堂、多样化练习、单元检测题,文末附参考答案,一定能对孩子们的学习带来帮助。

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    课标(人教版)英语高二下Book7 Unit1同步指导与测试 – 学英语报社-学习天地 – 《学英语报》官方网站|以报养研,科研助教,心系教育,奉献社会!提供海量英语试题、英语听力、英语学案、英语教案、英语课件下载。


    Part 1

    Ⅰ. 1-5 CEABD


    1. disabilities

    2. hearing

    3. ambitious

    4. noisy

    5. beneficial

    6. suitable

    7. absence

    8. annoyed

    9. encouragement

    10. entry


    1. in other words

    2. adapting to

    3. was cut out

    4. out of breath

    5. All in all

    6. sit around

    7. as well as

    8. in many ways

    9. make fun of

    10. In addition

    Part 2


    1. resigned

    2. politics

    3. abolished

    4. certificate

    5. slavery


    1. to hold

    2. to win

    3. to persuade

    4. to attend

    5. to provide

    6. to sleep

    7. To improve

    8. to show

    9. to hurt

    10. to find


    1. to talk

    2. to make

    3. to become

    4. to help

    5. To realize

    6. to do

    7. to feel

    8. to come

    9. to have

    10. to achieve

    Part 3

    Ⅰ. 1. to 2. with 3. from 4. to 5. with


    1. The island is only accessible by boat, so we need to wait for another day.

    2. It would be handy to have a parking lot in front of the museum.

    3. The organization provides adequate food for the homeless in winter.

    4. Wish you all the best on the way back to Australia.

    5. Jack's friends called to congratulate him on winning first prize.




    1-5 ACABD

    6-10 BDCAC

    11-15 BDACD

    16-20 BDABC


    1-4 DBAA


    1-5 DGAFC


    One possible version:

    Dear Cathy,

    There are many disabled people around

    us, some of whom are really inspiring. I am writing to share with you the person whom I admire most.

    When Nick Vujicic was born in Australia, he had no arms and no legs. As he grew up, he overcame many challenges and finally graduated from university. As a motivational speaker, he has inspired countless disabled people all over the world to go after their dreams. His motto “No arms, no legs and no worries” shows his positive attitudes towards life. And his success shows us that being disabled doesn't necessarily stop one from realizing his dream.


    Li Hua


    1-5 ACBAC 6-10 ABCAB 11-15 BCACB

    16-20 ABCCB 21-25 CADCD 26-30 ADBBA

    31-35 DACCB 36-40 EBFDA 41-45 ACABD

    46-50 CCDBA 51-55 DBDCA 56-60 BABCD

    61. easier

    62. to type

    63. it

    64. has been used

    65. to

    66. safely

    67. assistance

    68. disabled

    69. that/which

    70. applying



    第二句:takes→took; he→I


    第四句:say→saying; appear→appearance



    第七句:wise前加a; which→who/that



    One possible version:

    Care for the disabled

    It's reported that about 15 percent of people are living with disabilities

    around the world. What a sad fact! We must do whatever we can to help them. As is known to all, it is a tradition in China to care for the weak.

    When it comes to loving the disabled, words alone aren't enough; practical action is needed. For example, we can help the disabled to cross the road; we can also offer our seats to them on a bus.

    My dear schoolmates, please lend a helping hand to the disabled. Only by treating them equally and respecting them sincerely can we create a good society.

    The Students' Union


