

1490.With the exam only five weeks distant, he is working hard. 他现在开始用功了,因为离考试只有五个礼拜了。这里的distant就是away的意思。distant relatives, 远房亲戚,distant cousins 远房表兄,There is a pretty girl in some far and distant place. 在一个遥远的地方,有一位好姑娘。

1491.不久前被抓去坐了好些天的牢,便想起坐牢的几种说法:He is in jail. He is in prison. He is behind bars. He is taken into custody. (口语)He is incarcerated.(书面语) He is having his incarceration.

1492.He is sentenced for five years for speaking out against corruption. 他因公开揭露腐败而获刑五年。Guo Feixiong is arrested on charges of attempt to overthrow the government. 郭被捕,罪名是阴谋颠覆政府。The judge sentenced the 15-year-old boy to a maximum of 10 years in juvenile jail. 法官给这个15岁的男孩判了10年的最高量刑,他将在少年犯监狱服刑。He is sentenced to life in jail. 他获得终生

监禁。或者说:他被判了无期徒刑。He is going to spend the rest of his life in prison.他将在监狱中度过余生。

1493.Legal system normally involves three parts: police, prosecutors and judges.司法制度一般包括了三个部分,警察,检察官,法官。 If he doesn’t confess, he will be under pursuit or persecution. 如果他不坦白交代,就会被追究责任或被起诉。People convicted of possessing child pornography are likely to have sexually abused many children. 被定罪窝藏儿童黄色资料的人一般也会对儿童进行性侵犯。

1494.The ringleader has received the death penalty. 黑社会头头被判处死刑。黑老大的称谓颇多:mob boss, Tobacco barons, master, lord, marauding tycoon,control monster, mogul, drug cartel。罪犯的称呼:offender, criminal; suspect, 嫌疑犯。

1495.警察与人接触的机会最多,所以称谓也颇多:police, the marshal, officer, law enforcement agent, the task force, investigator, detective, F.B.I. C.I.A. military police(M.P.宪兵) sheriff, deputy, John Law, bluecoat, prison warden 等等。The defense attorney said

that Yang Jia is the victim of villainous police. 辩护律师说杨佳是警察暴力的牺牲品。Recently the police clamped down on the press and the internet. 最近警察对出版业和网站实行了门户清理。Chinese police often arrest people without a warrant. 中国警察逮捕人常常不出示拘捕证。This is his first brush with the law. 这是他第一次触犯法律。

1496.逮捕有这样一些词:arrest, apprehend, round up,等

。 The government has rounded up about 1000 people. 政府抓了上千人。Authorities are asking for the public’s help to bring the suspects in.警局正在发动群众,来缉拿嫌疑犯归案。

1497.He is the victim of the new round of crimes in the town. 他是城里新一轮犯罪的牺牲品。

1498.He will be eligible for parole after serving five years. 他服刑五年后可以申请假释。There is no leniency for political criminals. 对政治犯没有宽大一说。The family members said that the punishments did not fit the crime. 家属认为对罪行的量刑不当。

1499.She confessed to having doctored the figures. 她认罪,捏造了数据。A fact-finding team has uncovered the doctored purchase orders. 调查小组发现了这些采购报销单实在是子虚乌有。或者They found out the puffed-up purchase orders. 他们发现这些报销单数字都被虚报了。He got twisted up in the corruption probe.

1500.All is well that ends well. 结尾好才能说一切都好。As long as you don’t end up in a jail cell like Teacher X, you are doing well. 只要你不像信老师那样最终进了号子,

你就算成功了。a jail cell, 牢房。Is this your grand ending, or are you going to continue your episode? 这是你的大团圆结局,或者你还要再继续写下去?
