

style=”position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;”>《医学学术英语》unit 1 text a 背景知识补充eating

<h3>what are ancillary services in health care?<br></h3> <h3>doctors, dentists and nurses are the primary health care providers we ordinarily think of first. however, ancillary services providers far outnumber the primary providers. without ancillary services doctors, dentists and nurses would not be able to function effectively. ancillary

services fall into three broad categories: diagnostic, therapeutic and custodial. if your physician sends you for an x-ray of your injured leg, she is using a diagnostic ancillary service. if after repairing the bone in your leg, she sends you to a physical therapist for proper exercise routines, she is using a therapeutic ancillary service. nursing homes providing custodial care are an ancillary service also. ancillary services are located mainly in three facilities: hospitals, medical offices and free-standing sites. the hospital pharmacy is a therapeutic ancillary service. if your physician checks the level of triglycerides in your blood in his office lab, he is using a diagnostic ancillary service. the third common place in which ancillary services are provided is a free-standing setting. a group of speech pathologists

can operate an ancillary service practice in a medical office building. a pharmacy is the anchor service in a drug store. states have regulations concerned with ancillary service providers and their equipment.

they determine what medical direction, consultation and supervision is necessary. states usually require certification for allied health workers, such as therapists. typically, while a physician must prescribe cardiac rehabilitation services, she need not be present while they are provided. but for diagnostic cardiac testing, a physician will ordinarily be present. <font color

