


Practices of International Trade 国际贸易实务

Measures to Encourage Export 鼓励出口的措施

Generally, export countries’ governments take economical, administrative measures to stimulate the export of home products and expand foreign markets.


1. Export Credit 出口信贷

Export credit is the loan offered by banks of export country to the home exporters or foreign importers in order to stimulate exports and increase the ability of competition of the exported commodities. It can be divided into two kinds: supplier’s credit and? buyer’s credit in accordance with the relationship between debit and credit.


2. Export Subsidies 出口补贴

Export subsidy is a cash subsidy or favorable fiscal treatment granted by the government to reduce the export price and enhance the competition ability in international market. There are two forms of export subsidy: direct subsidy and indirect subsidy.


Classification of Subsidies 补贴的分类

?? ? ? ?Prohibited Subsidies 禁止使用补贴

?? ? ? ?Actionable Subsidies 可申诉的补贴:是指允许使用的补贴

?? ? ? Non actionable Subsidies 不可申诉的补贴

3. Dumping 商品倾销

Dumping means that the producer or exporter of a country or region makes sales of a product in the market abroad at the price lower than that usually charged in the home country or even lower than the production cost in order to defeat the competitor to occupy the market.

商品倾销是指一国(地区)的生产商或出口商以低于国内市场的价格 ,甚至低于商品生产成本的价格,在国外市场抛售商品,打击竞争对手以占领市场。

Dumping is regarded as an unfair competition act in international trade, violating the principal of fair competition and fair trade.


Classification of Dumping 商品倾销的分类

?? ? ? ?Sporadic Dumping 偶然性倾销? ? ??

?? ? ? ?Predatory Dumping 掠夺式倾销? ? ? ? ? ? ??

?? ? ? ?Long-run Dumping 长期倾销? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??

4. Exchange Dumping 外汇倾销

Exchange dumping is that a country manipulates its exchange rates to lower the selling price of its products when calculated in terms of the foreign currency.

