

pear梨peach桃子banana香蕉apple苹果cherry樱桃lemon柠檬pineapple菠萝strawberry草莓it’s a pear.这是梨。it’s a banana.这是香蕉。it’s a lemon.这是柠檬。it’s an apple.这是苹果。it’s a pineapple.这是菠萝。these are strawberries.这些是草莓。the cinammon is so soft.这个肉桂很软。how do you eat mango?那你怎样吃芒果呢?i used to eat oranges.我过去常常吃橘子。let’s go shopping.那我们一起去买水果吧。i want to buy some bananas.我想买些香蕉。do you like mango juice? 你喜欢喝芒果汁吗?the cantaloupe is so sweet.这个哈密瓜很甜。those bananas are very cheap.那些香蕉很便宜。dad, can i have an apple?爸爸,我能吃个苹果吗?what is your favorite fruit?那你最喜欢的水果呢?dad, what about buying a watermelon?爸爸,再买一个西瓜好吗?二十六、生日
all the best!祝你一切都好!have a party.举办个聚会吧!see you at the party.聚会上见。i’d like a dog. 我想要一只小狗。my birthday is in may.我生日在5月。happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐!i hope you will come.我希望你会来。my birthday is in january.我生日在1月。when is your birthday?你生日什么时候?happy belated birthday!迟来的生日快乐!many happy returns of the day!生日快乐!let’s blow the candles. 让我们来吹蜡烛吧!where is the party?生日派对在哪边举办呢?i must first make a wish.我必须先许个愿。how do you celebrate? 你的生日怎么过呢?here is a present for you.这是送给你的礼物。have a great/smashing one! 祝你(生日)玩得开心!this is a really wonderful party.这个派对真棒啊。smile, it is your birthday!笑一下,今天是你的生日。we are going to cut the cake soon.很快就要切蛋糕了。please accept my hearty wishes!接受我最诚挚的祝福!the party will be at my house.生日派对会在我家举办。welcome to my birthday party.欢迎来参加我的生日派对。let’s make a birthday wish.让我们来许一个生日愿望吧!wishing you a wonderful birthday.祝你过一个愉快的生日。would you like to go to her party?你会去她的生日派对吗?what do you want for your birthday?你想要什么生日礼物呢?i am going to have a birthday party.我打算举办一个生日聚会。happy birthday to a marvelous friend.祝一个了不起的朋友生日快乐!i nearly forgot it was my birthday.我几乎都要忘记那天是我的生日了!i’m so happy you remembered my birthday.我真高兴,你还记得我的生日。i would love to get together with my friends.我非常想和朋友聚一聚。honey, blow out the candles and make a wish.亲爱的,吹熄蜡烛许个愿吧。you didn’t even know her birthday was coming!你连她生日快到了都不知道!i’m going to have a birthday party next week.我下周即将准备一个生日派对。the finest things in life today and every day!愿生日中最美好的一切属于你!let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday.让我第一个祝你生日快乐吧。what present/gift would you like (for your birthday)? 你想要什么生日礼物呢?we were going to try to surprise you for your birthday.我们打算给你个生日的惊喜。don’t tell us the wish or it won’t come true.别告诉我们你的愿望,否则就实现不了了。it is the most special birthday party i ever enjoyed.这就是我参加过的最特别的生日聚会。we’ve got you a surprise. are you ready to open it? 我们给你准备了一个惊喜,你想打开吗?mommy and daddy has baked/bought you a cake. have a look! 爸爸妈妈给你烤了/买了一个蛋糕,看看吧!you also can come to my birthday party with other friends.你还可以与其他朋友一起来参加我的生日派对的。please give her my best wishes and help me to give her a small gift.请把我最真摯的祝福带給她,然后帮我把一個小礼物給她。let me pull out the candles and we are ready to taste the yummy birthday cake.让我来把蜡烛拔掉,我们可以品尝美味的生日蛋糕了。二十七、表达谢谢
thanks.thank you.i’m grateful.i appreciate this.you have my thanks.you are very kind.you’re the greatest.you have my gratitude.it’s very kind of you.thanks for your kindness.真心感谢!thanks a lot!thank you so much.thank you very much.that was impressive.thanks very much indeed.i am extremely grateful!i really appreciate what you have done.i dont know how to show you my gratitude,but i really appriciate of what you have done to me.太感谢啦!many thanks.thanks a bunch.thanks a bundle.thanks a million.二十八、常用的英语对话
a: i really must be going now.我真的得走了。
b: but you just got here. can’t you stay a little longer?但是你刚到这里。你不能再多呆会儿吗?
a: that’s very nice of you, but i really can’t.你真是太好了,但我真的不能。
b:well, it’s too bad that you have to go.你得走了,真是太糟糕了。
a: thanks very much. it was a great party!非常感谢。那是一个很棒的聚会!
b: it was our pleasure.这是我们的荣幸。
a: i’d better be going.我最好还是走吧。
b: so soon? why don’t you stay a little longer?这么快?你为什么不多呆一段时间呢?
a: i wish i could, but it’s already late.我希望我能,但已经很晚了。
b: oh, it’s a shame that you have to leave.真遗憾,你得走了。
a: thank you for a wonderful meal.谢谢你给我一顿美餐。
b: i’m glad you enjoyed it.我很高兴你喜欢。
a: i really should be on my way.我真的该走了。
b: oh, not yet! at least have one for the road.哦,不!至少有一条路要走。
a: no. thanks all the same.不是。由于都是一样的。
b: well,i’m sorry you have to leave so early.哦,很抱歉你这么早就走了。
a: thank you very much. we really had a good time.非常感谢。我们真的过得很愉快。
b: well, thank you for coming.哦,谢谢你的光临。
a: i think it’s about time we got going.我想是我们该走的时候了。
b: what? already? won’t you have more coffee?什么?要走了

a: i’d love to, but i have to get up early tomorrow.我很想去,但我明天得早起。
b: oh! i’m sorry. i wish you could stay.哦!我很抱歉。我希望你能留下来。
a: thank you for a very enjoyable evening.谢谢你提供了一个愉快的夜晚。
b: don’t mention it. i hope you can come again soon.别客气。我希望你能很快再来。
pop music流行音乐country music乡村音乐folk music民谣electronic music电子音乐heavy metal music重金属音乐reggae music雷鬼音乐latin music拉丁音乐european music欧洲音乐world music世界音乐i like soft music.我喜欢轻音乐。i like any dance music.我喜欢任何一种舞曲。i like new age music.我喜欢新世纪音乐。i’m fond of hip hop music.我喜欢听嘻哈音乐。my favorite genre of music is r & b music.我最喜欢的音乐风格是r&b音乐。三十、冬季
fog 雾boot靴子hat帽子coat外衣ski滑雪cold冷winter冬sun太阳rain 雨cloud 云snow雪wind风chill刺骨stove火炉wet潮湿的cold寒冷的neckcloth围巾windy有风的foggy有雾的ear muffs耳罩snowflake雪花jumper套头毛衣winter glove手套winter vacation寒假down jacket羽绒服what’s the weather today?今天天气怎么样

?it’s cold today.今天好冷。it’s snowing! 下雪了!it’s chilly today.今天冷风飕飕。it’s freaking cold today!今天冷死啦!the wind really chills me to the bone. 这风真是刺骨啊!the wind is bone-chilling.这寒风真是刺骨。i’m frozen.我简直冻僵了。it’s freezing out there!外面冷死了!it’s a foggy morning.今天早上有雾。it’s very cold.it’s minus 天气很冷,零下3度。how many layers are you wearing? 你穿了几层衣服?三十一、家庭成员
i love my parents 我爱我的父母my dad is mum’s husband.爸爸是妈妈的丈夫。the baby is very lovely. 这个小婴儿十分可爱。my dad’s hair is very short.我爸爸的头发很短。my mum is the wife of my dad.妈妈是爸爸的妻子my mother likes wearing pink. 我的妈妈爱穿粉色衣服。you are the daughter of your parents.你是你爸妈的女儿。please say bye-bye to your mommy and daddy.请和妈妈爸爸说再见。
