



on在…上面,behind在…后边,in front of…在…前面,across穿过(表面),through穿过(内部),near在…邻近;across from/on the other side of在…对面;beside/next to在…周围接近;betwen.. .and…在…和…之间;in the neighborhood在邻近;on theleft(of)/on one’sleft在…左面;on the right(of)/on one’s

right在…右边;down/along沿着;opposite在…对面;on the corner of在…角落处;in the middle of在…中心;at the end of在…止境,around here在这邻近;off(尤指路途)脱离(较大的一条路);at thebeginning of在…的初步;from…to…从…到…


turnleft/right左转/右转;walk/go along/straight直走;go/walk through穿过


on foot步行;by train/bike/bus乘火车/骑自行车/乘公共轿车;take a bus乘公共轿车;take a train乘火车;in a car乘小轿车;on the bus乘公共轿车;on one’s bike骑自行车



1.Is there…near here /around here/in the neighborhood/nearby?请问邻近有…吗?

2.Where is the (nearest)…?请问(迩来的)…在哪?

3.How can I get to…?请问我怎么样才干抵达…?

4.Which is the way to…?请问哪一条路是去…?


6.Could you tell me how to get to…?你能告诉我如何去…吗?

7.Could you tell me where…is?你能告诉我…在哪吗?

8.I wonder the way to ….我想晓得去…怎么走。

9.I wonder where…is.我想晓得…在哪。

10.How far is it from here?离这儿有多远?

11.Can I take a bus?我可以坐公共轿车吗?

12.Which bus shall I take?我大约做哪路车?

13.Will it take long to get to…?去…要很长时刻吗?


1.It’s next to/near/behind/in front of….紧挨着…/在…邻近/在…后边/在…前面。

2.You can go through….你可以穿过….。

3.Just go straight and turn right/left.直走然后向右/左拐。

4.Take the first/second/… turning on theleft/right在第一个/第二个/…十字路口向左/右转。

5.It’s about… minutes’ walk/drive/ride走路/开车/搭车大约得…分钟。

6.You’d better take…bus.你最佳乘…路车。

7.Go down this street. At the end of the street,you willfind it.沿着这条街走。在路的止境,你就会找到它了。

8.I’m sorry ,I don’t know. You can ask the police.很抱愧,我不晓得。你可以问差人。

9.It’s down…on theleft/right.沿着…..靠左/靠右。

10.Take a bus/taxi from the airport/train station.飞机场/火车站乘公交车/租借车。

11 It’s…meters from here.距这儿有…米。

12.Sorry,I don’t know.I’m new here,too.很抱愧,我不晓得。我也刚到这儿。

13.Walk along this street,/Go straight ahead,and…is on yourleft.沿着这条街/向前直走,…就在你的左面。

14.Go down this way,and turn left at the first crossing,and you’ll find…is right there,on yourleft.沿着这条路走,在第一个十字路口向左转,你会发现…就在你的左面。

15.You can just take No.12 bus, and get off at the second station. And you’ll see it.你可以坐12路公交车,在第二站下车,然后你就会看到它。

16.Look, … is in front of us.看,…在咱们前面。

17.Go along the street until you come to the traffic lights. 沿这条路一向走


18.It is two hours’ ride from… to….从…坐车到…有2小时的车程。

19.If you follow these directions, you won’t have any trouble.假定你依照上述指引做的话,到…去是没有啥疑问的。

20.It takes sb. some time to walk/ride a bike/take a bus/taxi… to ….或人步行/骑自行车/坐公交车/乘租借车/…去…需要…(时刻)。

