


arrival at port 入港

arrival notice 抵达告诉

articles made to order 订制品

articles of luxury 奢华品

artificial flower 人工花

as agreed (contracted) 依照合同

as per sample 与样品相同

asian-dollar market 亚洲美元商场

ask the price of 询价

assignment clause 转让条款

assignment of policy 稳妥单转让

assistant manager 协理,副司理

as soon as possible shipment 当即送运

at a discount 扣头

at a premium 跨越票面之价值

at a profit 获利,挣钱

at sight 见票即付,即期

at the market 照市价

at par 平价

auction price 拍卖价

authority to purchase 收购 托付证

authority to pay 托付 付款证

average cost 均匀本钱

average tare 均匀皮重

average unit cost 均匀单位本钱

average unit price 均匀单价


1. a change of pace 节奏改换

you can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. you certainly need a change of pace.

2. a far cry from 相距甚远

the published book is far cry from the early manuscript.

3. and how 的确

a: she’s a good dancer.

b: and how.

4. a matter of time 时刻疑问

it is only a matter of time.

5. a phone call away 一个电话之远,情愿过来协助

if you need my help. do let me know. just remember i am a phone call away.

6. a while back 不久早年

we had a good rain a while back,but we need more now.

7. all along 一向

i knew it all along.

8. anything but 必定不

i was anything but happy about going.

9. account for 说明

how do you account for it?

10. after all 究竟

a: i’ve just seen the x-rays and your teeth look just fine.

b: i see. then there is nothing to worry about after all.









in witness whereof作为协议事项的根据

now this presents witness 兹特立约为据

for and on behalfof.代表或人

per pro.=per procurationem 代表署理




the contractor shall not knowingly do or omit to do anything whichmay adversely affect an orderly transfer of responsibility for provision of theservices.

(句中的transfer responsibility转化成ttransfer of responsibility,而provide services转化成了provision of the services)




support转化成in support of;

violate转化变成in violate of;

default转化成in default of:

break转化成in break of.

all such minutes,records and reports shall be on file at the fib offices.

该句中“存档”用的是“on file”而不是用的动词短语“be filed”

常见的商务合同中动词转化成描述词短语的语句有:include 转化为be inclusive of;exclude常转化为be exclusive of,如:

your salary inclusive of any overtime payment from the date ofcommencement of your contract will be usd amount in figure(usdamount in words)and will be paid in arrears at the end of the month

the foregoing states the sole and exclusive liability of the parties heretofor infringement of patents,copyrights,mask works,trade secrets,trademarksand other proprietary rights,whether direct or contributory.





all rights and all design elements resulting from the services shall vestin and be the absolute property of party a.该句中的分词短语“resultingfrom the services”就起到了使语句规划紧密,表达简略

的作用.而且替代了定语从句“which result from the services”。

all properties of the contractor while at the premises shall be at therisk of contractor and the department shall accept no liability for any loss ordamage however occurring thereto or caused thereby except where any suchloss or damage was caused or contributed to by any act,neglect or defaultof any servant of thereby crown at the premises acting in the course of hisemployment.

上面这个长句中的“however occurring thereto or caused thereby”就替代了状语从句“however it will occur thereto or be caused thereby”


1. back and forth 来回地,重复地

2. back of 在…后边

3. back up后备,援助

4. bare of几乎没有,短少

5. be able to do可以

6. be around差不多

7. be available to sb.可用,可供

8. be bound to必定

9. be capable of doing可以

10. be concerned with 关怀…,进入…

11. be dying to盼望

12. be fed up with受够了be tired of

13. be in hospital 住院

14. be in season 上市的/in peak season旺季

15. be in the mood to do sth. 想做

16. be pressed for time时刻不可

17. be tied up with忙于

18. be under the weather 身体不好

