

日子中有许多常用英语口语,讲义上一般学不到,只需在与外国人面临面交流中,才干学习到那些你所想不到的英语口语,英语,是不是心动了?心动不如行为,赶忙和我一同学起来吧!那些你不晓得的常用英语口语!一. 12种方法说加油。keep it up/stick to itcheer up!keep pushing.come on.way to go.hang in there.you can do it.go for it.what are you waiting for?go ahead!fighting!play up!二.5个语句教你说没联络。that’s ok.it happens.no problem.don’t worry about it.i forgive you. (我宽恕你了!)三.6个语句教你说某件作业很风趣。really?that’s interesting.uh-huh.right.gotcha.sure.四.5句话教你如何中止对话。it was nice chatting with you

.well, it’s getting late.anyway, i should get going.(formal) sorry, but i’m afraid i need to…i’m sorry to cut you off, but i actually gotta run.五.10个语句教你说打电话怎么说。hi, this is jane.(formal) may i speak with john smith?(informal) is john there?i’m calling about…(formal) one moment, please.(informal) hang on a sec.he’s not here. would you like to leave a message?could you ask him to call me back?thanks for calling.学会了这些常用口语,几乎分分钟变身英语达人,在贝灵思特,当你和专业外教面临面交流的时分,这些英语口语,英语自可是然就学会了,一年之计在于春,小火伴们,还在等啥,赶忙燥起来!
