

2021 年北京初度施行高考英语传闻机考,共触及三道口语表达试题,即听后转述、短文朗读和答复疑问。听后转述试题是考生的难点。
听后转述试题与听后记载要害信息相联系,需求考生在听懂短文内容并填出相应空白处单词的基础上对短文内容进行转述,不只查询考生的口语才能,还查询考生的听力才能和词汇常识。高考英语听后转述题需求不限于对表中已有内容进行转述,而需要根据短文内容添 加 必 要 的 关 键 信息。因而,对这一题型进行答复辅导有助于考生了解试题设置、清楚解题进程、掌控解题办法,然后非常好地应对即将到来的高考英语传闻查验。
考生在听后转述操练中常呈现的疑问有:因对表格信息了解不 到 位 ,抓 取 不 到 关 键 词 ,而 呈现 转 述 卡 顿 ;记 录 内 容 混 乱 ,抓取 不 到 重 点 ;所 填 信 息 听 不 到位 ,出 现 单 词 拼 写 错 误 和 时 态 、人 称 错 误 ;平 时 英 语 学 习 不 够 ,出 现 语 法 错 误 等 。
如 下 面 某 考生的转述实录:

anna jones(1), the senior classpresident, gave a short speech to celebrate their graduation. she have(2)four years in high school, and shehas many great memories. he(2) remembers the school dance(2) everyyear and the parties and picnics theyhave(2) by the trip(3). she remembers the senior class trip to canadalast december. many of(2) studentsare going to different country(3).they are far from each other. butthey all remember english andchemistry lessons(1). they alwaysremember the teachers and coaches(1). but most that(2) all, they remember each other and the wonderful times they shared.
解析:转述的要害根柢完全,遗 漏 部 分 次 要 信 息 。发 音 基 本准 确 ,但 重 点 词 汇(表 格 中 的)lessons 和 coaches 发 音 不 准 ,影 响转述作用。这篇文章旨在引导考生会集重视该题型的解题难点,寻找解题规则,总结、收拾、细化解题办法,借 助 听 力 文 本 帮 助 考 生 总 结 收拾 听 后 转 述 题 型 的 一 般 作 答 规则,以期运用到日后的听后转述实习傍边。
如 ,day 记 为 d,monday 记 为mon,month 记为 m,television 记为tv。专有名词缩写及拼音回主意:(1)区域:对国家称号可直接简写几个字母,如 ameri(美国),engl(英国)。(2)身份:par即parents(父母),fa即father/dad(父亲),ma即mother/mom(母亲),sis 即 sister(姐妹),bro 即 brother(兄弟),doc 即 doctor(医生),nurs即nurse(护士)。(3)类别:如 eng 即 english(英语),chi 即 chinese(汉语),ma 即math(数学),hist即history(前史)。

anna jones, the senior classpresident, gave a short speech to celebrate their graduation. →aj, thesenior cls president, gv a shortspeech…she had amazing four years inhigh school. they made a lot ofgreat memories together. she remembers the school dances everyyear, and the parties and picnics they had by the lake. she remembers thesenior class trip to canada last december. →s had amazing 4 yrs inhigh school. they made a lot of grtmemories together. s 记… they hadsymbols. s记…they should remember theenglish and chemistry lessons, theteachers and coaches, and remembereach other and the wonderful timesthey shared. →they should 记…&…&
2. 表达时言语的流通性、联接性与精确性
下面再来看另一名考生的转述实录:anna jones, the senior classpresident, gave a short speech to celebrate their graduation. she hadamazing four years in high school.they made a lot of great memoriestogether.she remembers the schooldances every year, and the partiesand picnics they had by the lake.she remembers the senior class tripto canada last december. they sawsnow in the mountains! many ofthem are going to college in different places. they will be all over thecountry and far away from each other. but she thinks they should neverforget their times together and allthat they learned.they should remember the english and chemistrylessons, the teachers and coaches,and remember each other and thewonderful times they shared. shehopes they could come back andvisit, and have a good time in college and in their futures!上 述 转 述 注 意 了 人 称 变 化(第三人称)。当然,并不是一切的转述都需要变换人称,要具体情 况 具 体 分 析 。用 心 审 题 很 重要。这段转述有清楚的 but,and等联接,留心了时态、语态和单复数等精确性。
1. 录音时要调整好自个的节奏。最初不急着说话,空一两秒,结束处也留点时刻,声响要洪亮,发音要理解,语速要适中。转述时可将麦克风放鄙人颚处间隔嘴巴 2公分的方位,而且呼吸要轻柔均匀。录音进程中阻止用手触碰话筒,避免录入无关语音。

