考研英语 书信作文及常用词组示例

考研英语 书信作文及常用词组示例

Dear ,

①I am (自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about。

③The reason for my dissatisfaction is (总体介绍). ④In the first place, (抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In addition, (抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it (感觉) to (抱怨的方面给你带来的后果)。

⑦I appreciate it very much if you could (提出建议和请求), preferably (进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by (设定解决事情最后期限). ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply。

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ,

①I am (写信人身份). ②I venture to write you a letter about (抱怨内容)。

③The focus of the complaint is (抱怨内容的核心). ④For one thing, (抱怨内容的一个方面). ⑤For another, (抱怨内容的另一方面). ⑥ Honestly speaking, (客观的评论). ⑦But (抱怨产生的原因)。

⑧All in all, there is still much room for improvement. ⑨Before I take any further action, I do hope (表达本人的愿望). ⑩Thank you for your time and kind consideration。

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


To Whom It May Concern,

①I am writing to complain about the poor service of your I received when。

②The causes for my dissatisfaction lie upon three points as follows: 1) (抱怨内容的一个方面); 2) (抱怨内容的另一方面); 3) (抱怨内容的第三个方面). ③Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to (客观的评论)。

④I am sure that you are able to thoroughly understand my discontent, which you are bound to replace with a satisfactory solution. ⑤I would be grateful if you could (表达本人的愿望)as soon as possible。

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



Dear Sir or Madam,

①I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in (报纸名称)of (广告发布时间)。

②Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for

a (工作名称). ③In the one hand, (第一个原因). ④On the other

hand, (另一个原因)。

⑤Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. ⑥If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at (电话号码)。

⑦Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you。

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ,

①I am applying for the position of (想申请的职务) advertised in. ②I majored in (专业). ③My training in (接受过的培训) definitely meets your qualifications. ④My complete resume is attached。

⑤I will graduate on (毕业时间)from (毕业院校). ⑥In addition to the required courses of my major, I have (除专业外,选修的课程). ⑦I also have some experience in (曾有过的社会工作经验). ⑧You will find me to be (请对方对自己有信心)。

⑨May I have a personal interview at your convenience? ⑩I can be reached by telephone。

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear ,

①I learned from my university BBS that there is a vacancy for (职位名称), a position which I am very interested in。

②I am a senior student from (毕业院校)University, majoring in (专业). ③Under the influence of the courses I have taken, I develop a special interest in (兴趣). ④Moreover, I have attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field due to my internship at (经历与经验). ⑤It seems to me that all these have prepared me ideally for the role ofin such a company as yours (强调自己可以胜任)。

⑥For further information please refer to my attached resume. ⑦I should be pleased to attend for an interview at your convenience。

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

三、建议信 至 十、祝贺信 (略)



1. When asked about…, most people say… But many other people regard…as… I personally think…


2. When it comes to…, some people think that… Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to both arguments, but…


3. It is widely acknowledged that…contributed to… Experts argue that China must introduce… But I doubt whether…alone will solve the problem。


4. An increasing number of people are joining… In reaction to the phenomenon, some say… But do they realize that…can also lead to…


5. One of the pressing problem facing our nation (China) today is…and…


6. Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is…


7. Never before in history has the issue of…been more evident than now。


8. Perhaps it is time to reexamine the idea that…


9. A growing number of people are beginning to realize that…is not the sole prerequisite for happiness。


10. Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between…and…lies solely with…


11. There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards… A recent survey showed that…percent of respondents ranked…as their top priority, compared to…percent only a few years ago. Why do people fail to realize that…?


12. I recently read a newspaper article on… The deplorable problem of…has aroused public concern nationwide。


13. Judging from the reams of evidence presented, we can safely conclude that…


14.Along with the development of…, more and more…


15.In the past few years, there has been a sharp growth/boom/decline in…


16.The ample evidence presented enables us to reasonably conclude that…


17.While the rhythm/pace/tempo of people’s living is speeding up, a lot of changes have taken place in…


18.With the fantastic spur both in industry and its economy in China, the number of…is on the rise


19.It is commonly believed that the rise in…is the inevitable result of economic development。


20.In recent years, China has experienced an alarming increase in…









在一定的历史条件下in a given historical context

在这种特定条件下under such circumstances


根深蒂固的观念deep-rooted notion

生活节奏pace of life

个人成就personal fulfillment


责任感sense of responsibility

竞争意识sense of competition

自然灾害natural disaster

职业教育vocational education

继续教育further education

学前教育pre-school education

高等教育education of higher learning/higher education

人口众多large in population

人口密度population density

教育投入input in education

岗位培训undergo job-specific training

普及教育universal education

义务教育compulsory education/free education

初等教育elementary education

职业道德professional ethics

高等学校institution of higher education

综合性大学comprehensive university

文科大学university of liberal arts

理工科大学college/university of science and engineering

师范大学normal university

工业大学polytechnic university

农业大学agricultural university

医科大学medical university

重点学校key school

业余学校spare-time school

职业学校vocational school

重点学科key disciplinary areas; priority fields of study

希望工程Project Hope


人才枯竭exhaustion of human resources

辍/失学青少年school dropout/leaver

服务性行业service trade

在职培训on-the-job/in-service training

学分制the credit system

包分配guarantee job assignments


记者招待会press conference

国家教育经费national expenditure education

财政拨款financial allocation

专任教师full-time teacher

教育方针guideline(s)/guiding principle(s)for education

德才兼备to combine ability with character

自学成才to become educated through independent study

启发式elicitation method(of teaching)

填鸭式教学法cramming method of teaching

附中attached middle school

进修班class for advanced studies


自学考试selftaught examination

教职员teaching and administrative staff

教学人员the faculty; teaching staff

中、小学校长headmaster/headmistress; principal

大专院校校长president; chancellor



副教授associate professor

专职教师fulltime teacher

兼职教师parttime teacher

辅导员assistant for political and ideological work

校友alumnus; alumna

学生会students’ union/association

高年级学生pupil/student in senior grades

低年级学生lower grade pupil/student;pupil/student in junior grades

走读生day student;nonresident student


旁听生auditor; guest student

研究生graduate student;post-graduate(student)

应届毕业生graduating student/pupil; this year’s graduates

课程course; curriculum

必修课required/compulsory course

选修课elective/optional course

基础课basic course

专业课 specialized course

课程表 school timetable

教学大纲teaching program;syllabus

教学内容content of courses

学习年限period of schooling

学历record of formal schooling

学年school/academic year

学期(school)term; semester


分数mark; grade

五分制the 5-grade marking system

百分制100-mark system

学习成绩academic record; school record

成绩单school report; report card;transcript

毕业论文thesis; dissertation

毕业实习graduation field work

毕业设计graduation project

毕业典礼graduation ceremony; commencement

毕业证书diploma; graduation certificate

毕业鉴定graduation appraisal

授予某人学位to confer a degree on somebody

升级to be promoted to a higher grade

留级to repeat the year’s work; to stay down

补考make-up examination

升学to go to a school of a higher grade;to enter a higher school

升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade



领取助学金的学生a grant-aided student

伙食费board expenses

伙食补助food allowance

爱国主义教育education in patriotism

国际主义教育education in internationalism

集体主义教育education in collectivism

共产主义教育education in communism

共产主义道德品质communist ethics

政治思想教育political and ideological education

教书育人to educate the person as well as impart book knowledge

培养学生自学能力to foster the students’ ability to

study on their own

发挥学生主动性、创造性to give scope to the students’ initiative and creativeness


挑灯夜战burn the mid-night oil

进修课optional courses

扩招to expand their enrollment

蓝领阶层blue-collar workers

高考college entrance examination

免试入学制open admissions

托儿所nursery school

激发灵感spark inspiration

小学primary/elementary school

中学secondary school

初中junior high school

高中senior high school

附中attached middle school

技校technical school

理工学院,科技大学polytechnic institute

重点中学key school

研究生院graduate school

文理学院school of Arts and Sciences

开放大学open university

私立学校private school

公立学院public school

教育工作者(总称)teaching staff




副校长deputy headmaster/deputy head








实验员laboratory assistant/lab assistant

私人老师,家庭教师private tutor



哲学博士Doctor of



普及教育universal education



母校Alma Mater

教学设施teaching facilities


食宿room and board


学习年限period of schooling

学分制credit system


课程表schedule(school timetable)

个别指导individual coaching(tutorial)

英语晚会English evening

课外活动extra-curricular activities

社会调查social investigation

毕业典礼graduation ceremony

毕业证书diploma (graduation certificate)

校纪school discipline


开除expel sb. from school

学费tuition fee

杂费miscellaneous expenses

讲义夹lecture portfolio



专科证书associate diploma

课程安排course arrangement

助教teaching assistant

人才市场the talent market

人才库a talent bank

待岗await job assignment

人才储备reserve of talents

带薪假a paid leave

人才交流talents exchange

自谋生路be self-employed

人事调动personnel transfer

人力开发manpower development

猎头公司a hunter company

事业单位public institutions

评职称a professional evaluation



毕业评估graduation appraisal

考研热the craze for graduate school


现代思潮modern school of thought

复合型人才interdisciplinary talents

跨世纪人才cross-century talents

精神食粮intellectual food

胸怀抱负entertain great ambitions

保护知识产权protect intellectual property

待开发区development area

发展中的世界the developing world


to cultivate the ability to analyze and solve concrete problems independently


Gear education to the needs of modernization, the world and

the future。


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