




1. Greetings – 问候语:As a foreign teacher, greetings are crucial. Use words like ‘hello’, ‘good morning’, and ‘how are you’ to establish rapport with your students from the beginning.(打招呼是外教非常重要的一环。使用“你好”,“早上好”和“你好吗”等词汇来从一开始就与学生建立联系。)

2. Classroom objects – 教室物品:Introduce the names of objects in the classroom, such as ‘desk’, ‘chair’, and ‘whiteboard’ to help students understand their environment and instructions.(介绍教室中物体的名称,例如“桌子”,“椅子”和“白板”,以帮助学生理解他们的环境和指令。)

3. Subject vocabulary – 学科词汇:Teach subject-specific vocabulary in various subjects like math, science, and art to ensure students have a solid foundation for understanding the content.(在数学,科学和艺术等不同学科中教授学科特定的词汇,以确保学生对内容有坚实的理解基础。)

4. Classroom instructions – 教室指令:Teach phrases like ‘sit down’, ‘stand up’, and ‘take out your books’ to effectively manage your classroom and give clear instructions.(教授“坐下”,“站起来”和“拿出你的书”等短语,以有效管理你的教室并给出清晰的指示。)

5. Assessment and feedback – 评估和反馈:Use words like ‘excellent’, ‘well done’, and ‘needs improvement’ to provide feedback on students’ performance and motivate them to strive for better results.(使用“优秀”,“做得好”和“需要改进”等词汇,对学生的表现进行评估和反馈,并激励他们为更好的结果而努力。)


1. Numbers – 数字:Knowing numbers is essential in daily life for tasks like counting money, telling the time, and giving directions.(在日常生活中,了解数字对于任务如数钱,报时和给出方向至关重要。)

2. Food and drinks – 食物和饮料:Learn vocabulary related to food and drinks, such as ‘rice’, ‘tea’, and ‘sandwich’, to navigate menus and order in restaurants or cafes.(学习与食物和饮料有关的词汇,如“米饭”,“茶”和“三明治”,以在餐馆或咖啡馆中点餐。)

3. Transportation – 交通:Master transportation-related words like ‘bus’, ‘train’, and ‘airport’ to navigate public transportation systems and travel with e


4. Shopping – 购物:Knowing words like ‘price’, ‘discount’, and ‘cashier’ facilitates shopping and negotiating prices in various contexts.(了解“价格”,“折扣”和“收银员”等词汇,便于在各种情境中购物和讨价还价。)

5. Daily activities – 日常活动:Use vocabulary related to daily activities, such as ‘wake up’, ‘brush teeth’, and ‘go to bed’, to describe your routine and communicate with others about their daily lives.(使用与日常活动相关的词汇,例如“醒来”,“刷牙”和“上床睡觉”,以描述你的日常并与他人交流他们的生活。)

