style=”position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;”>i like to learn english .我喜欢学习英语。晴朗的天
all.这是新概念英语第一册.丁德祥老师教的。从2003年io月5日至2004年11月24日全册144课,全部教完。</p> <p>this is a new concept english book two.</p><p>mr.ding taught me from mar 20th 2005</p><p> to jan 2nd 2007.这是新概念英语第二册,亦是丁德祥老师教的,从2005年3月2o日至2007年1月2日,全册93课,只教到第50课因学员不足20人,此班仃开。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>the home work exercise books that was </p><p>new concept english classroom.这是新概念英语课堂的家庭作业练习本。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>it was a heavy snowfall day .new concept </p><p> english class took a graduation photo</p><p> together with all classmates and teacher </p><p> mr.ding in nov 2005 years .在2005 年11月某一天,天正下着大雪,新概念英语全体师生在拍毕业照。</p> <p>new concept english studentds played the </p><p> english subject that was
asking the way for</p><p> the school celebrate of universiy of old </p><p> age zhenhai in great hall.新概念英语班学生为庆祝老年大学校庆,在大会堂演出英语节目一"问路"。</p><p> </p><p> </p> <p>this was students to sing english song.</p><p> 这是同学演唱英语歌。</p> <p>the photo that was new concept english</p><p> class to take last time.这是新概念英语班最后一次拍摄的师生合影。</p> <p>after the new concept english stoped, i </p><p>turned into spoken english class to taught me and used the english book.the book has 29 had fnished all lessons. 新概念英语仃办后,我转入口语班学习,张燮泉老师教我们英语,並使用这亇英语课本。这本书共29课,全部施教完成。</p> <p>this is a primary american english book </p><p>one. because not new english can continue to learn mr.zhang changed it . the book has 80 lessons .because mr.zhang had some thing to do .he had taught 68 lesson .he cannot teach me again.he taught me english from mar 15th 2007 to dec 10th 2010.这是一本初级美国英语上册,因为没有续书出版,张老师改选了这本书。全书80课,只教到68课,因张老师有事,仃教了。他的施教时间从20o7年3月15日至2010年12月10日。</p> <p>the learning references that mr.zhang </p><p>sent me from mar 15th 2007 to dec 10th</p><p>2010.张老师发送的学习参考资料,从2007年3月i5日至2010年12月10日。</p> <p>the home work exercise books that was</p><p>mr.zhang xie quan to ask for to do .这是张變泉老师要求做的家庭作业练习本。</p> <p>the photo that is spoken english class to </p><p> take it.这是英语口语班的师生合影照。</p> <p>the same to last page.同上页。</p> <p>i dropped out of the school again .i turned into the class from mar 2011 to jun 2011.t his is an english .it is mrs.wong qi to</p><p>teach it. the book has 30 lesson .it had </p><p>finished the lesson all. mrs wong left</p><p>the school too.我又失学了!从2o11年3月至2011年6月,转到翁奇老师班学习,全部</p><p>30课全部教完,可惜翁老师亦离开学校不教了。</p> <p>the english class of zhenhai old year </p><p>university opened again in aug 18th 2011.</p><p>mr.feng jin cheng taught me.he is a </p><p>retired english teacher in university of </p><p>ningbo.</p><p>he is a good english teacher. he used the</p><p>uta english books. that is used in</p><p>university of ningbo old year.</p><p>the book one has 20 lesson .it had finish </p><p>all. the book two has 20 lesson too.</p><p>because mr. feng had the other thing to </p><p>do .he stopped to teach me on jun 15th</p><p>2015.镇海老年大学英语班2011年9月18日又开学了,封金城老师教我,他是宁波大学的英语退休老师,他是一位好老师,他使用是宁波市老年大学的uta英语课本。</p><p>第一册共20课,全部学完。因为封老师有另外事情所以第二册他只教了一部分,于</p><p>2015年6月i5日止整整四个年头。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>this is an uta book two .it has 20 lessons it had finished 12 started sep </p><p>11th 2015 to dec 23th 2016. it has four</p><p>teachers to teach.这是uta 英语第二册,全部20课,只完成12课,尚有8课未教完,先後由封,林,曾,楼4位老师教的。</p> <p>the learning references that mr.feng sent</p><p> me from sep 7th 2011 tojun 30th 2015.</p> <p>the home work exercise books that was </p><p>mr.feng to ask for to do.这家庭作业练习本是封老师要求做的。</p> <p>the photo that was mr.feng and classmates</p><p> to take with together.那是刲老师和同学们的合影照。</p> <p>the group photo that was farewell mr.</p><p> feng to teach us english for four years.</p><p><br></p><p>那是欢送封老师教我们英语整4年了的集体照。</p> <p>the learning references that mrs.zhen and</p><p> mrs.lou two teachers sent me from sep</p><p> 11th 2015 to dec 23th 2016.那是曾,楼二位老从2015年9月11日至2o16年12月23日发送的学习资料。</p> <p>this is a new consept english book one</p><p> that mr.zhang fan teach me.那是张帆老师教的新概念英语第一册用书。</p> <p>learning english every day . one sentence</p><p> an day .mr. zhang fan taught me from</p><p> jan 2nd 2017 to sep 30th 2017.张帆老师</p><p>教每日英语,一日一句,从2017年1月2日</p><p>至2017年9月30日。</p><p> </p> <p>this is learning references that mr.zhang fan sent me .这是张帆老师发的学习参考资料。</p> <p>the same to last page.同上页。</p> <p>free to learn english on my mobile phone.</p><p>免费在手机上学习英语。</p> <p>这是所有张帆老师学习资料。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>镇海区老年大学英语班学习概况一览表。</p> <p>listening to learn elementry english</p><p> grammar video note book.收听初级英语文法视频筆记本。</p> <p>listening to learn infermidiate english </p><p> grammar video note books.收听中级英语文法视频筆记本。</p> <p>this is my bookcase .这是我的书櫃。</p> <p>send my a regard to mr. zhang xie qan.向张燮泉老师送去问候。</p> <p>mr. zhang reply.张老师回复。</p> <p>i reply to mr.zhang again.我又回复张老师。</p>