


let’s listen to the tape now. 现在让我们听录音。

first of all, listen to the conversation.

now you’ll hear the conversation. 现在你们听会话。

what you will hear is a conversation. 你们将听到的是一段对话。

you can hear the sentences on the tape. 你们可以听到磁带上的句子。

here goes. 开始听了。

off we go then.

here it comes.

the tape recorder seems to be broken.这部录音机好像有毛病了。

there’s / there seems to be something wrong with this tape


recorder isn’t working properly.这部录音机不能正常运转。

i have / seem to have brought the wrong tape.

we’ll have to do something else, i’m

there’s nothing we can do about it.对于这个我们没有办法。

put this plug in the socket over there.把这个插头插到那边的插座上。

can you all hear ? 你们能听得见吗?

is it clear enough ? 完全清楚吗?

is the sound clear enough ?声音够清楚吗?

is the volume all right ?音量行吗?

can you hear at the back ?你们在后面听得见吗?

if you can’t hear, come a bit nearer. 如果你们听不到,走近一点。

is that better ? 这样好一点了吗?

i’ve got too much treble and not enough bass.

i’ll just find the place. 我来找出要听的部分。

wait a moment / second / minute, i’ll just rewind the
tape. 等一会儿,我来把录音带倒回来。

let me just find the beginning again. 让我找出录音的开始部分。

look at the questions while i find the place.

i’m sorry about the mix-up over

the tapes.

i’ll try not to let it happen again. 我尽量不让这种情况再发生。

listen again. 再听一遍。

let’s listen to it once more / once again.

now we’ll listen to it again. 现在我们把这个再听一遍。

we’ll stop here / there for a moment. 我们在这里/那里停一会儿。

before we go on, i’ll ask you some questions.

listen and repeat. 先听,然后跟着复述。

all together, after the tape. 全体同学跟着录音朗读。

repeat after the tape. 跟着录音朗读。

just listen. don’t say anything. 静听,不要说话。

listen but don’t write anything. 听,但不要做笔记。

listen carefully to the instructions. 仔细听听要求。

as you listen, fill in the missing words.

while you listen / are listening, answer question 3.

while listening mark your answer sheet. 你们边听边在答卷上标出正确答案。

before listening, read through the questions.

before listening again, familiarize yourselves with the

now i have a pop song for you.现在我给你们听一首流行歌曲。

listen to the words of the song. 请听歌词。


comment on mr. green’s translation.请对格林先生的翻译提意见。

his translation is not faithful enough to the
original. 他的翻译对原文不够忠实。

he made a few slips in the version.他的译文有些小错。

who can translate this sentence better ?

who can give a better translation of this sentence

who can give a better version ?

is there another way of translating this sentence ?

please read your version. you may have translated this
sentence in different way. 把你的译文读一下,可能你有不同的译法。

don’t translate word for word. 不要逐字死译。

don’t translate it literally.


if you wish to translate well, you must know both languages
