

??口语part 2新题预测

雅思换题季 — 口语新题大盘点|广州雅思英语学校


describe a subject you would study that you never had the opportunity to study.

you should say:

· what is it

· what this subject deals with

· what benefits you would get

and explain why you want to study this subject.


in my childhood, my aim was to become a renowned doctor but due to the rise in merit list for admission i could not enter into a medical college. i got admission in bachelor in pharmacy and now i am working as a pharmacist. i would love to study medical books, more specifically psychiatry, if i get an opportunity.


psychiatry is very vast subject. it is not only the knowledge of mental illness, it highlights how we can enhance our intellectual capabilities. variation in mood put a strong impact on personality and business. in my opinion, in the modern age, every person has some symptoms of psychiatric illness. if we have a brief knowledge of these attitudes we can manage the people who are having bad attitudes and they are working in our surroundings. a new subject of psychiatry is emotion control, it emphasises who we can make ourselves happy and relaxed by just keeping our brain cool.


another aspect of this study will be early prevention and diagnosis. if we detect psychiatric disease at the time of its start then the result of its cure will be great. mental illness destroys the families and economics of the patients. by preventing these diseases before commencement we can improve the society and don’t let any disaster to happen. in short, our brain controls all the activities of our body and emotions control the brain. the psychiatrist controls the whole human machinery by just controlling the emotions. considering the advantages the knowledge this subject offers, i would love to study it with passion and great interest.



describe a positive change that you made to your life.

you should say:

when it happened

where it happened

what the change was

and explain how you have benefited from this change

( or, explain how you feel about this change)


the positive change that i would like to talk about is ‘i started playing outdoor games instead ofplaying computer games’. after i got my first personal computer when i was only 9 years old orso, i started learning many things. besides that i started playing the computer games. ascomputer games are addictive i found that i was playing the games whenever i had spare times.this addiction barred me from playing outdoor games like cricket, football etc.


i found myself very much attracted to the computer games and i preferred to play the games athome instead of going to open spaces or fields to participate in outdoor games that involvephysical exercises. not that computer games are all so bad, but playing them all the timesomeone has got is not a good thing especially

for kids. i found that i was spending more timesat home than being outside. after my parents noticed that, they discussed with me about thatand explained me the importance of outdoor activities. they gave me strict restriction that iwould only be able to play computer games for an hour daily and in the evening i’d have to gooutside to play with my friends.


this was obviously a very positive change for me. i’m not against computer games but i feel thatif there are more important things to do, then we should not spend time on computer games only.this change affected me very positively. i became a good cricket player later on, i startedmaintaining my times more prudently and i am sure this change has affected me positively interms of physical and mental health.



describe an experience that you had when you left home.

you should say

what is it

when did it happen

and how do you feel about that expericence


i like visiting famous places and whenever i get vacation, i try to visit new places or places that i have heard about. one such trip that i took with one of my friends was a journey to holland. i would like to talk about this tour to holland that we took 2 years age.


both of us (me and my friend) wanted to visit holland and specifically amsterdam, hague and rotterdam very much because we saw pictures and heard stories from friends about how beautiful and wonderful the place is. so finally we applied for visa, bought plane tickets, booked a hotel, packed our bags and our trip began.


we spent a lot of time before our holiday, researching of all the interesting places to visit and all the sights to see. so we went to rijks museum, van gogh museum, amstell beer museum, took a romantic sunset cruise in the water channels, drove to volendam, a small prettiest fisherman village, visited a cheese farm. we went to rotterdam, which is the architecture city of holland that stimulates innovation. we enjoyed the architectures and building there as much as we did walking in the neat roads and besides the beaches. visiting the famous anne frank house was an exciting moment for me. i’ve read the anne frank’s diary in my early childhood and witnessing the place was very much exciting.


every evening we took long walks along the channels, resting in small gardens, which amsterdam has a lot of. street artists were performing everywhere and a lot of people came to watch their show.


we enjoyed very much everything we did and especially in such a beautiful country. having my friend by my side on this trip made it even more fun. since we have never been to holland, everything we saw and did seemed interesting and completely new to us. the people, their way to interpretation their culture attracted us very much. before leaving the place, both of us agreed that the place is worth visiting and someday we would come back to re-explore it.


雅思换题季 — 口语新题大盘点|广州雅思英语学校


广州雅思英语学校是国内最早的专业雅思学校之一,也是英语ielts考试中文“雅思”命名的首创者之一。十多年来, 广州雅思英语学校秉承“教育以学生为本,以质量为先”办学宗旨,坚持“知识、激情、励志”的教学理念,发展成为华南乃至中国最大的雅思学校之一。




