




1. rather than 而不是

they sort to re-educate them. rather than to punish them.


2.take your time. 慢慢来。

3. i’ m almost done.我快好了。(快做完某事了)

4. make an effort 做出努力

he made an effort to sneak in and out. 他还是会尽量偷偷溜进溜出。

5. i won’ t be home for the dinner. 我今晚不回来吃饭了

6. show up露面

i’ m gonna show up and torturer him. 我要露面,去折磨他。

7. hear from 收到…来信,收到信息

have you heard from stefan? 有斯特凡的消息吗

8. either 也(副词);任意一个(介词);要么(连词)

pete can’t go and i can’t go either.皮特不能去,我也不去。

you can take either of the two.你可以从两个中间挑任何一个。

he either suffocated, or froze to death.他要么窒息而死,要么冻死。

9. for god’ s sake 看在上帝面上

we are going it for god’ s sake.我们为上帝而战。

10. be upset with 对…失望

you have every right be upset with me你完全有权对我失望。

11. at this point此时此刻,眼下

settle for 无奈接受,勉强同意talk into 说服某人

i don’ t guess i could talk you into bringing me a rabbit or something? i’ d settle for stefan’ s diet at this point.


12. big deal 大事

no big deal 不是大事

it’ s no big deal that they’ re hooking up. 他们搞在一起没什么大不了的

13. hit the hour mark 到达时间点(已经一个小时了)

btw, i’ve hit the hour and

10 minute mark now. and the line hasn’t moved since i started writing this.


14. here goes 开始吧

15. get held up 被耽搁

i got held up by snow.被大雪耽搁了

16. now that既然

17.an avid reader 书迷

i’ m an avid reader.我是一个书迷。

18. all-time 空前的

but i love lucy is all-time.

不过《我爱露西》 这部剧则是史上最棒

19. across the board全面的

as far as music, it’ s pretty much across the board. 至于喜欢的音乐,那就广了。

20. in slow motion慢动作

maybe we should wash the cars in slow motion. 我们该把洗车的动作放慢。

21. friend discounts友情折扣

no friend discounts. 不打友情折扣

23. playing tricks on 戏弄

it’ s just my mind playing tricks on me. 只是我头脑发晕了。

24. be familiar with 熟悉

i don’ t think i’ m familiar with the story. 我想我没听过这段故事

25. in one’s good graces 受到某人青睐

is he enough in your good graces that i can ask him for a favor?


26. have access to 有权

do you have access to old news stories, say, fifties?


27. in charge 负责

caroline bailed, so that leave me in charge.


28. put in a good word for为…说好话

could you put in a good word for me with jenna? 你能在jenna那里为我美言几句吗?

29. hold back 隐瞒

so whatever you’ re holding back from her, the more you try to hide it, the more she won’ t stop till she figures it out.

所以不论你对她隐瞒着什么,你想隐瞒得越多, 她就越不会罢休,直至弄清楚为止
