



1. Checking-in(办理登机手续)

When you arrive at the airport, the first thing you need to do is to check in. Here are some useful phrases for you to handle the check-in process smoothly:

– Excuse me, where is the check-in counter for (flight number)?
– I would like to check in for my flight to (destination) please.
– Here is my passport and e-ticket.
– How many bags can I check in? Are there any extra fees for overweight luggage?
– Can I have a window seat, please?


– 打扰一下,请问(航班号)的办理登机手续的柜台在哪里?
– 我想办理去(目的地)的航班的登机手续。
– 这是我的护照和电子机票。
– 我可以托运多少件行李?超重行李是否有额外费用?
– 请给我一个靠窗的座位。

2. Boarding(登机)

Once you have checked in, it’s time to board the plane. Here are some phrases you can use:

– The boarding gate for (flight number) is now open.
– Please have your boarding pass and identification ready.
– First/business class passengers may now board.
– Economy class passengers may now board.
– Please proceed to the airplane through the jet bridge.


– 现在开始登机(航班号)的登机口已开放。
– 请准备好您的登机牌和身份证明。
– 请头等舱/商务舱的乘客现在登机。
– 请经济舱的乘客现在登机。
– 请通过喷桥前往飞机。

3. In-flight(飞行中)

During the flight, you may need to ask for assistance or make some requests. Here are some useful phrases:

– May I have a blanket, please? It’s a bit cold.
– Is there a vegetarian option for the meal?
– Excuse me, could you help me with the overhead compartment? I can’t reach my bag.
– Can I have some more water, please?
– I’m feeling a bit airsick. Can I have an airsickness bag?


– 请给我一条毯子,有点冷。
– 有素食选项吗?
– 打扰一下,请帮我拿一下上面的行李箱?我够不到我的包。
– 能给我再拿一些水吗?
– 我感觉有点晕机。我可以要一个晕机袋吗?

4. Landing(降落)

As the flight comes to an end, you will prepare for l

anding. Here are some phrases for the landing process:

– Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing shortly.
– Please fasten your seatbelts and return your seatbacks to the upright position.
– Please stow your tray tables and secure all personal items.
– Thank you for flying with us. We hope you had a pleasant journey.


– 女士们,先生们,我们将很快降落。
– 请系好您的安全带,并将座椅扶手放回垂直位置。
– 请折叠您的托盘桌并妥善保管个人物品。
– 感谢您选择我们的航班。希望您旅途愉快。


