



1. 询盘阶段(Inquiry Stage)


(1) 接听电话时的问候语:

– Good morning/afternoon/evening. ABC Company, how may I help you?
– Hello, this is ABC Company. How can I assist you?

(2) 回复询盘邮件的开场白:

– Thank you for your inquiry about our products. We are glad to provide you with the information you need.
– We appreciate your interest in our products. I would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

(3) 请求更多详细信息:

– Could you please provide us with more details about your requirements?
– Can you give us some specifications for the product you are interested in?

2. 报价阶段(Quotation Stage)


(1) 提供报价的开场白:

– Based on your requirements, we have prepared the following quotation for your review.
– I am pleased to send you our quotation as per your request.

(2) 询问客户是否需要样品:

– Would you like us to provide samples for evaluation?
– Do you require samp

les before placing the order?

(3) 接受或拒绝客户的价格要求:

– We are willing to offer a 5% discount for bulk orders.
– I’m afraid we are unable to meet your price request at the moment.

3. 跟单阶段(Order Processing Stage)


(1) 确认订单和付款方式:

– We have received your order. Could you please confirm the payment method?
– Thank you for placing your order with us. How would you like to make the payment?

(2) 处理客户的特殊要求:

– We understand your request for customized packaging and will arrange it accordingly.
– We will do our best to meet your delivery date requirements.

(3) 跟踪货物运输情况:

– We have shipped your goods and will provide you with the tracking number shortly.
– Your order is currently in transit and expected to arrive on schedule.

4. 售后服务阶段(After-sales Service Stage)


(1) 向客户确认是否收到货物:

– We hope you have received the goods in good condition. Is everything satisfactory?
– Have you received the products? Are they in good condition?

(2) 处理客户的投诉或问题:

– We apologize for any inconvenience caused and will promptly resolve the issue for you.
– Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We will investigate and get back to you shortly.

(3) 提供客户满意度调查:

– We would appreciate it if you could spare a few minutes to complete our customer satisfaction survey.
– Your feedback is important to us. Please let us know how we can improve our services.

