



1. Excuse me, where is the airport?(打扰一下,请问机场在哪里?)
2. Can you tell me the way to the airport?(你可以告诉我去机场的路吗?)
3. How do I get to the airport?(我怎样去机场?)
4. I’m looking for the airport. Can you point me in the right direction?(我正在找机场。你能给我指个方向吗?)

1. Go straight until you reach the intersection. Then turn left/right.(一直直走直到你到达路口,然后向左/右拐。)
2. It’s about 10 kilometers from here. Take the highway and you’ll see signs for the airport.(离这里大约有10公里。走高速公路并跟着机场的标志走。)
3. The airport is on your right/left. You can’t miss it.(机场在你的右边/左边。你不会错过的。)
4. Take a taxi/bus/train going to the airport.(坐出租车/公交车/火车去机场。)

1. How can I get to the airport by public transportation?(我怎样可以乘坐公共交通工具去机场?)
2. Is there a shuttle bus that goes to the airport?(有去机场的班车吗?)
3. Are there any trains that go directly to the airport?(有去机场的直达火车吗?)
4. What’s the best way to get to the airport from here?(从这里去机场最好的方式是什么?)

1. How long does it take to get to the airport from here?(从这里去机场要多长时间?)
2. Is there usually a lot of traffic on the way to the airport?(去机场的路上通常有很多交通吗?)
3. Will I have enough time to catch my flight if I leave now?(如果现在离开,我能赶上我的航班吗?)
4. What’s the fastest way to get to the airport?(最快的去机场的方式是什么?)

1. Don’t forget to check the departure time of your flight in advance.(不要忘记提前查看你的航班出发时间。)
2. Make sure you have all the necessary documents with you before leaving for the airport.(在去机场之前,确保你带齐了所有必要的文件。)
3. Arrive at the airport at least two hours before your flight departure time.(在航班出发时间前至少提前两个小时到达机场。)
4. If you are unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to ask for help.(如果有任何疑问,请不要犹豫寻求帮助。)

