

授课计划:课时1:语言学历年真题讲解+chapter 1
chapter 1:?language and linguistics?
(1)the definition of linguistics
(2)mainbranches of linguistics(micro-linguistics)
(4)some important distinctions in linguistics
(5)the design features of language
(6)seven basic functions of language

课时2-3:chapter 11 +chapter 12
linguistics and foreign language teaching
(1)linguistics and language learning
(2)language learning and language acquisition
(3)reasonsforthedifferent ultimate attainment?betweenl1 and l2 acquisition
(4)linguistics and language teaching
(5)contrastive analysis
(6)error analysis
(7)external factors that influence sla
(8)rote practices and meaningful practices
(9)linguistics and syllabus design
(11)corpus linguistics and language teaching?
(12)affective factors in language acquisition
(13)environmental and cognitive factors in sla
(14)individual differences
chapter 12:?
theories and schools of modern linguistics

“father of modern linguistics”
(2)the contribution of prague school
(3)the london school
(4)american structuralism
(5)transformational-generative grammar

课时4-5:chapter 2+chapter 3+chapter 4
chapter 2 phonetics and phonology:
(1)distinction between phonetics and phonology
(2)phonemes, phones, allophones
(3)consonants?and vowels
(4)some rules in phonology
(5)suprasegmental features
chapter 3 morphology:
(1)types of morpheme
(2)allomorph and morpheme
(3)classification of words
(4)lexical change
(5)phrase vs clause
(6)word formation
chapter 4 syntax:
(1)definition of syntax
(2)the traditional approaches to syntax
(3)the structural approach [saussure]
(4)the generative approach [chomsky]
(5)the functional approach
(6)the systemic-functional grammar
(7)syntactic relations?

课时6-7:chapter5+chapter 8
chapter5 semantics:
(1)componential analysis
(2)predication analysis
(3)sense relation?between words
(4)sentence relation
(5)seven types of meaning by leech
(6)the major views concerning the study of meaning
(7)referential theory
(8)sense and?reference
(9)connotation and denotation
chapter 8 language in use (pragmatics):
(2)sentence meaning and utterance meaning
(3)speech act theory
(4)cooperative principle
(5)politeness principle
(6)post-gricean developments
(7)language constructivism
(8)pragmatic failure

课时8:chapter6+chapter 7+chapter9+chapter10
chapter6 language and cognition:
(1)cognitive linguistics
(3)stages and theories of language acquisition
(4)critical period hypothesis
(5)language comprehension
(6)language production
chapter 7 language, culture and society:
(1)language and society
(3)dialect and register
(4)language and culture
(5)sapir-whorf hypothesis
(6)competence and communicative competence
(7)bilingualism and diglossia
chapter9 language and literature:
(1)literal meaning and figurative meaning
(2)ways to analyze a text from a linguistic view
chapter10 language and computer:
(1)cai, cal, call
(2)machine translation?
