

1. brainwashv 对…洗脑

perverted 误解的,凶暴的,蜕化的,不合理的

they’re brainwashing him. those books and films are full of evil, pervertedideas.

2. civil lawsuit民事诉讼

i’m not sure about this civil lawsuit. i don’t want a long trial.

3. act on依照…行事

i hope he doesn’t act on them.

4. property management company物业打点公司/资产打点公司

5. stopped-up toilets 被塞堵的马桶

asap as soon as possible的缩写

the building has some stopped-up toilets that need attention asap!

6. we are on call24/7(24小时随叫随到的) and will send out(派人…) someone from our maintenance(修补,维护,维护) department to deal with any problems.

24/7 随不时刻

on call 随叫随到的,随时待命的

7.pep talk 煽动士


i don’t need a pep talk. i’m just going to do the best i can.

8. have faith in 信赖,对…信赖

i’m going to have faith inmy abilities,and hope for the best.

9. dredge up发掘;搜集;回忆,回想

but maybe they’ll feel like i’m dredging up something they wish had been forgotten.

10. sucker punched 冷不丁地打(或人)

yeah, i feel like i’ve been sucker punched.



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