

sara: thomas, your english is so good. how did you learn it?


thomas :well, in my country everyone has to take english starting in the first grade. i’ve been taking english courses for 12 years now.

嗯,在咱们国家,每自个都要从一大学就初步学英语。到如今中止,我学英语现已 12 年啦。

sara:wow, that’s interesting. i remember when we took that triplast year and visited your family. it seemed like there weren’t many people that could speak with me in english.


thomas:oh, that’s because they don’t speak english that much.


sara:but they speak it in school, right? maybe they just didn’t like me so they didn’t want to talk to me.

可是他们在学校里说, 是吧?或许他们不喜爱我, 所以他们不想和我说话。

thomas :no, actually they liked you a lot. they told me they thought you were very nice. they are just shy. they’re not use to talking with foreigners. i remember when i first came to the u.s. i was really nervousabout speaking with people.


sara:i see. i thought there were lots of americans teaching english in your country.


thomas:yes, that’s true. there are probably twice as many now as there were five years ago, but they are mostly in the cities. my family lives in the country.


sara:i wonder why. personally i prefer the country to the city. it’s so quiet and peaceful. if i were to teach, i would want to teach in the country.


thomas :do you think you would want to teach someday? i know the schools around my town are

looking for teachers, so if you want i can call them and get more information.


sara:no, i don’t think so. i would need to stay there for a year, and i don’t think i can take that much time off work.


thomas:well, if you change your mind, let me know. i think you would be a really great teacher.



