




sylvia schroeder(西尔维亚?施罗德)




to my colleagues and all the students at the school of foreign languages and literature i would like to say that my biggest wish is for everyone to be able to return to campus safe and sound as soon as possible so that we can all be part of a living community again. as i only started teaching in the school in february, i have not had an opportunity to meet my students face to face, nor have i been able to spend much time with colleagues – i miss the sense of community that physical presence ensures. the university has been right at the center of the fight against covid-19 within wuhan and in china, there isn’t a single life that hasn’t been affected in one way or another, and everyone now deserves to return to some level of normality, even if the way we live life post-epidemic is bound to be different. it is my hope that the world will address the current situation and the next stages of the pandemic together to ensure the best possible outcome for all.



えなつるか 江夏瑠霞






татьяна борисовна соколовская




дистанционное обучение стало неожиданностью и для студентов, и для преподавателей и вызвало множество вопросов. так же как и с медицинской проблемой, китай первый столкнулся со всеобщим переходом на дистанционное обучение, успешно с этим справляется и продемонстрировал всему миру свою способность решать проблемы быстро и эффективно. это вызывает у меня глубокое уважение.

я хочу передать привет своим дорогим коллегам и студентам. сидя 4 месяца дома, я очень соскучилась по настоящей работе. и жду – не дождусь, когда смогу наконец войти в аудиторию и начать урок.




dr. gaios tsutsunashvili(高思博士)



die unterrichte fanden ursprünglich auf zoom statt. jetzt unterrichte ich auf dingtalk, da die qualit?t der plattform mittlerweile deutlich besser geworden ist. darüber hinaus nutze ich meine online übungen und lernspiele, welche ich selbst für jeden unterricht extra erstelle. einen starken orientierungshalt kann man in der online-lehre durch die thematische kontinuit?t sowie durch das animieren zu einer aktiven unterrichtsteilnahme schaffen.

abschlie?end muss ich sagen, dass ich die sch?ne stadt wuhan und ihre berühmte universit?t sowie unsere deutsche fakult?t sehr vermisse. ganz liebe grü?e an meine hoch gesch?tzten kollegen und freunde, die mir lieb und teuer sind, und an meine klugen und flei?igen studenten.




maureen berthelot(慕容珍)



dès la date de reprise des cours, l’université de wuhan a su mettre en place efficacement les cours à distance. tous les lecteurs ont su s’engager pour assurer la continuité des cours avec enthousiasme et créativité. dans cette période, chacun peut ressentir des difficultés ou de l’isolement. mais nous sortirons de ces difficultés en restant unis. nous en ressortirons plus forts. l’université de wuhan tout comme la ville de wuhan, ont su rester fortes dans cette période et s’organiser pour faire face aux circonstances exceptionnelles.



silke litz(陈雪珂)




der online-unterricht mit zwei so gro?en studentengruppen ist für mich und meine studenten eine herausforderung, denn meine internetverbindung ist h?ufig unterbrochen, sodass wir uns manchmal gegenseitig nur schlecht h?ren. trotzdem k?nnen mir meine wissbegierigen studenten gut folgen k?nnen und ich versuche, den unterricht lebendig und interessant zu gestalten.

ich bedanke mich sehr herzlich bei den allerbesten kollegen der germanistikabteilung. trotz der schwierigen umst?nde sind sie jederzeit für mich ansprechbar und unterstützen mich, wo sie nur k?nnen. eine ebenfalls immens gro?e hilfe ist der engagierte herr ma vom internationalen büro für mich. unermüdlich setzt sich herr ma dafür ein, dass mein neues visum im august fertig wird, damit ich pünktlich zum unterrichtsbeginn im september wieder in wuhan meine wundervollen, motivierten und flei?igen studenten weiterunterrichten kann.





nathan i. hauk(郝内森)



to my students,

the joy of teaching and learning is to witness and experience growth, to struggle and to overcome. the highs and lows of this experience are amplified in the presence of others, in the anxiety of being the first to raise one’s hand or the rush of excitement of nailing a presentation and basking in your classmates’ approval. this is what makes the college classroom so exhilarating.

after an exciting fall semester together, we said, “see you soon!”

little did we know that that would mean a video call, a wechat message, a lecture posted on 学习通, a video presentation, and an assignment on u校园. these new forms of communication changed the way we interact and made the special process of learning feel distant. turning on your mic to ask a question while sitting in an isolated room and clicking “send” to submit a presentation you have worked hard on only to wait for a few written reactions from classmates as they watch you on their own time doesn’t carry the same weight as their real-life counterparts. let’s just say, this semester has been different.

still there has been growth and i encourage you to reflect on all you have accomplished this semester. of course, you have expanded your ability process and to communicate deep ideas. but on another level, in the face of a global pandemic you demonstrated that there is no obstacle too large to overcome. in the face of difficulty, loneliness, sadness your hard work has made this time apart meaningful. this is a lesson that no college classroom could provide: you can do anything!

carry this with you. when we return, remember what you are capable of and remember to treasure every moment. thanks for your dedication. see you all soon!








jesse michael barkin(杰西·迈克尔·巴尔金)



we all hope that we can get back to our regular normal lives as soon as possible. i believe that it will be sooner than later. school has begun and we are doing classes online. what i found out was that online presents a real opportunity that doesn’t exist in the classroom. in the classroom, sometimes you ask a question of one particular student, and that student will answer it with the best he or she can. sometimes it’s the very same students answering questions. what i found online in our chat room discussions on wechat is that if i ask a question or if i bring up a topic, this gives the opportunity for everyone to participate really at the same time, because you are typing in your answers, your opinions, your thoughts all at the same time. you don’t have to wait for others. and then the answers come streaming in the discussion on the wechat. and it’s really interesting.

however, still this is not an ideal situation. i’d like to be in the classroom. i’m sure you’d like to be in the classroom. we miss our friends, students; you guys miss your roommates. i miss starbucks coffee; you guys miss milk tea and hotpot. but during this situation, i’ve been really pleased with how things are going. i think this is going to be a good opportunity for all of us. so let’s just make the best of a bad situation. i’m ready to get back on campus.

我们都希望能尽快回到正常的生活中去, 我也相信这是迟早的事。学校已经开学,我们正在在线上课。我发现网络教学提供了实体课堂中没有的机会。在实体课堂中,有时我问一个特定的学生特定的问题,学生会尽其所能地回答。有时候,回答问题的都是同样的学生。但在微信聊天室中,如果我问一个问题或提出一个话题, 每个人都能在同一时间获得参与的机会。每一个人输入各自的答案, 所有的建议和想法都在同一时间出现。我们不必等别人,然后答案就会源源不断地出现在微信讨论中。这真的很有趣。





