


小学生写的英语原句是:his favorite sport is play basketball. 凡是中学毕业的,应该都理解哪里出了问题,两个动词或者说一个系动词和一个原形动词放在了一个句子里,这当然是不符合英语语法的。但为什么小学生会写成这个样子?这和汉语中的语言次序语言思维是一模一样的。汉语中是:他最喜欢的运动是打篮球。请注意打字以及打篮球,都可以用play basketball表达,而小学生学过大量的my favorite food is 什么什么类似的句子,这个句型已经深入人心。所以,在学生看来,句子是顺理成章的,甚至是完美的。问题就出在这个play上,因为我们国人都用打篮球表达。这是非常符合汉语思维的,如果说,将打篮球翻译成play basketball应该没有什么问题,但是要是放到前面整个句子中,就出现了问题,就不符合英语思维了。这个待会大家会看到说明,按下不表。
而英语老师在看卷时,顺手将句子改成了 his favorite sport is playing basketball. 估计感觉这么改是成功的,并且仅仅增加了ing而已。对这句话,喜欢语法的人往往会做出两个解释,要么是进行时态,要么死系表结构,在我得到的回答中,他们貌似也很自信,认为这个改动是正确的。其实这恰恰反映了我们国内学习英语的现状,大家都以为语法是学习英语的重要部分,而对中英文的表达结构不太注意,并且动不动使用语法来分析句子,而缺乏用其他角度看待这些句子问题。
does my favourite sport is play football grammatically correct (语法正确)? or my favourite sport is playing football.
my favorite sport is play football while grammatical, is not as likely a thing for someone to say as a more natural way to put it. (就是说增加了ing后并不是合适的语言)
he more natural formulation (at least in american english) would be to say s pull that sentence apart.
the subject is

but what about already includes the idea of playing so it is wordy. so we are back to??as the best option.?黑体是最合适的改法。
note the difference in what means in the following two sentences.
first playing:
he first

the first refers to a contracted period and not the immediate moment).
conclusion and ambiguity
the most typical and natural expression would be
but! it feels a little wordy or redundant?
well, in that case you could live with or something along those lines.
the point here is that even a superficially simple stat

ement like can still be read with different meanings and implication. those differences are usually sorted out in context. so if you are writing such potentially ambiguous sentences, you have to take care to provide the reader with enough context so the intended meaning gets across.
see how little context needs to be added to change the meaning even with the first sentences being identical:
my favorite sport is football.?i (you play, but you may or may not watch it.)
my favorite sport is football.?i don (you watch it, but you may or may not play.)
