
1. move [mu?v]

vi. 移动;搬家

vt. 感动

? You then need to analyze what has happened, alter your direction and move on. (2015.4 填词补文) 然后你需要分析发生了什么,改变方向,继续前行

? I had decided I wanted better friends when my parents said that we were gong to move

again!(2013.10 阅读选择) 当我的父母说我们又要搬家的时候,我已经决定要交更好的朋友了。

? Sometimes in poetry a certain phrase can bring tears to the eyes and move us deeply. (2013.10 完形 补文)


2. password ['pɑ?sw??d]

n. 密码;口令

Some just create one password and use it everywhere.(2012.10 阅读理解) 有些人就编一个密码,然后在所有的地方都使用这一个密码。

3. process ['pr??ses]

n. 过程

What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one.(2014.4 填词补 文)


4. speech [spi?t?]

n. 演讲

Besides, the jokes and humorous stories that are used by the speaker have to relate directly to the topic of his speech. (2012.10 阅读理解) 另外,演讲中用到的笑话和幽默的故事必须和自己演讲的题目直接相关。

5. through [θru?]

adv. 从头到尾

You go through the channels several times and find that once again there's nothing on TV that interests you. (2014.4 阅读判断)


6. almost ['??lm??st]

adv. 几乎

I enjoyed listening to classical music, never watched TV, and almost never watched movies. (2013.10 阅读 选择)


7. brain [bre?n]

n. 头脑;大脑

? As your level of skill improves, go on to challenge your brain by moving into more advanced levels of the game. (2015.4 填句补文) 随着你技术层次的提升,你可以通过继续更高层次的游戏来挑战你的头脑

? In some animals it is probably controlled by the brain.(2014.4 填句补文) 在有些动物中,它(生物钟)可能是被大脑控制。

8. crop [kr?p]

n. 农作物

When you hear the word “farm”, you may imagine the countryside with cows and crops. (2013.10 阅读判 断)



9. decline [d?'kla?n]

n. 下降

They had a slower rate of decline in memory than the others. (2014.10 填词补文) 与其他人相比,他们在记忆力方面有着较缓慢的下降率。

10. fact [f?kt]

n. 事实

It may be difficult to believe but in fact the technology for growing crops indoors already exists.(2013.10

阅读判断) 也许很难相信但事实上在室内种植农作物的技术已经存在。

11. least [li?st]

adv. 最少

They are the least worst in a series of bad choices. (2012.10 阅读理解) 他们是一系列糟糕选择中最不糟糕的。

at least 至少

Can shyness be completely gotten rid of ,or at least reduced? (2011.4 英译汉) 害羞可以被完全消除,或者至少减少一些吗?
