








教研促发展 携手共进步

1. 四级阅读题型:






















②通读题目,分别标出每题的关键词(组)1-2 个。

注意选取的关键词不能为文章讨论的主要话题,如六级样题的话题是population ageing,题目不要画此作为关键词。关键词一般为实词、数字、年份及专有名词。把题目了解大意,再画出关键词以便选择的时候能够精准打击。























?to do不定式+动词原形、情态动词((can、must、shall、will、need、may、dare…….)+动词原形。





教研促发展 携手共进步
































part iii

reading comprehension (40 minutes)

section a

directions:in this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. you are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. read the passage through carefully before making your choices, each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. please mark the corresponding letter for each item on answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. you may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

questions 26 to 35 are based

on the following passage.

you might think of your teeth as tools, like built-in knives and forks, but if they are mere tools, why do they feel pain and wouldn’t it be better if they could just 26 under any condition? in spite of our 27 discomfort, it turns out there’s a good reason our teeth are so sensitive. tooth pain is a 28 mechanism that ensures when a tooth is being damaged we’ll notice and do something about it.

if we eat something too hot or too cold, or if the tooth is worn down enough where the tissue 29 is exposed, all of those things cause pain, and then the pain causes the person not to use that tooth to try to protect it a little bit more. so it’s really a protective mechanism more than anything else. if teeth didn’t feel pain, we might 30 to use them in situations that damage them, and for humans, damaging 31 teeth is a problem because, unlike crocodiles, we can’t 32 them.

teeth have three layers, only one of which-the innermost layer of the tooth-can hurt, as that layer of the tooth 33 both blood vessels and nerves. pain is the only feeling to which the nerves in that layer respond. whereas people with tooth sensitivity may complain, for example, of tooth pain 34 by heat or cold, the nerves in the inner layer don’t sense temperature. rather, they feel pain, which may be 35 with, say, drinking something very cold.

section b

directions:in this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. you may choose a paragraph more than once. each paragraph is marked with a letter. answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on answer sheet 2.

how to determine if a company is a good fit for you

a) on paper, the job seemed perfect for me: the position was completely in line with my degree, the duties and responsibilities were compatible with my interests, and the office maintained a well-stocked kitchen that would satisfy my every snack desire.

b) sounds like my dream job, right? there was only one small problem: i simply didn’t get along with the company culture. they favored a more rigid, closed-door, corporate atmosphere, while i would have preferred something more collaborative and open. they were complete clock watchers, while i would have liked a more flexible schedule. to put it plainly, we just weren’t on the same page.

c) when it comes to looking for a new job, you already know that a big part of the interview process involves the company evaluating whether or not you’re a good fit for their open role. but, it’s important to keep in mind that the employer isn’t the only one who needs to identify a good match—you should be looking for that same exact thing. company culture can have a big impact on how you feel about your work, so you want to make sure you sign an offer letter with an organization you’re truly excited about.

d) however, figuring out what a company is like before you actually work there can be a bit of a challenge. luckily, there are a few things you can do to determine whether or not a company is a good fit for you—before you ever sign your name on that dotted line.

e) first of all, know what you want. it’s hard to make any decisions when you don’t really know what you’re looking for. so before you can determine whether you and a specific company would be compatible together, it’s important to have a solid handle on what exactly you want from your employer. many of us have an easier time identifying the things that we absolutely don’t want. if those are the only things you can think of, don’t worry! that’s still a good place to start.

f) start by writing down the things you didn’t like about previous employers, as well as the parts you really valued. there’s no wrong answer here 一 so from big things to small details, write them all down on your list. this will help you immediately identify what you’re looking for in an organization, as well as the things you’re trying to stay far, far away from.

g) make sure to do your research. now comes the part when you put on your detective hat and do a little digging. the internet will be your best friend when you’re trying to familiarize yourself with a company’s culture before ever walking through their office doors. and where exactly should you look for these culture clues? start with the most obvious place first: the company’s website. read through their copy and blog. do they use formal, direct language? or is it casual, conversational, and maybe even a little humorous? this can be a big indicator of what sort of atmosphere the company is trying to cultivate.

h) next, turn your attention toward their social media outlets. are they sharing photos of their team’s thursday afternoon barbeque or halloween costume contest? or are their social media accounts strictly reserved for company-related announcements and product launches?

i) an industry review website like glassdoor is another spot to check in order to find some insider information about what you can expect about a company. however, remember to take the reviews you read with a grain of salt-many of them are written by scorned (被鄙视的)employees.

j) finally, you can never fail with personal connections. send a quick message to a current or previous company employee on linkedin or by email and ask if they would be willing to have a quick conversation with you about the organization in general. if you get a yes to your request for a chat, you’ll be armed with some pretty powerful and helpful information heading into your interview!

k) learn more by asking questions. you know that part at the end of a job interview when the hiring manager asks if you have any questions, and you just stare across the table blankly with your mouth hanging open? that’s the perfect opportunity to speak up and get your burning company culture questions answered! so yes, you can definitely ask your interviewer about what it’s like to work for that particular organization. simple questions like, “what three words would you use to describe the culture here?” or “what’s your favorite part about working for this company?can reveal a lot about what it’s really like behind closed doors.

l) prioritize your values. what does my dream company culture look like? well, i could come and go as i please, as long as i was getting the work done. my boss would genuinely listen to and value all of my ideas arid suggestions. my co-workers would all be friendly with one another, without ever falling into the office gossip trap. the kitchen would have endless options of pizza and cookies. oh, and they’d give me two months of paid vacation with a very generous salary.

m) what are my chances of finding all of those things with one employer? slim to none— believe me, i’ve looked. this is why it’s so important to know which aspects of a company’s culture you value most. is it an open communication style or a flexible schedule? focus on the top spots on your priority list, and ensure a potential employer at least checks those boxes. unfortunately, this is reality, you can,t have everything you want but a few are certainly achievable.

n) when you’re hunting for a new job, you already know that the employer is trying to decide whether or not you’re a good fit for the position. but you should also look at the process through a similar lens. you may not be the one conducting the actual interview, but you’re still trying to determine whether or not the company is a good fit for you.

o) keep these tips in mind to figure out whether you and a potential employer are a perfect match or just a recipe (方案)for disaster. after all, it’s a good thing to know before actually accepting an offer.

36.clues about the culture of a company can be found on its website.

37.it can be difficult to know the real situation in a company until you become part of it.

38.it is impossible for a job applicant to have every expectation met.

39.simply by reading its deion, the author found the job offered ideal.

40.job applicants are advised to make a written list of their likes and dislikes in their previous employment.

41.at the end of an interview, a job applicant should seize the opportunity to get answers to their urgent questions.

42.to begin with, job applicants should be clear what they expect from their future employer.

43.job applicants should read with a critical eye what is written about a company on the website.

44.job satisfaction has a lot to do with company culture.

45.a chat with an insider of a company can give job applicants very useful information when they prepare for an interview.

section c

directions: there are 2 passages in this section. each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. for each of them there are four choices marked a), b), c) and d). you should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet 2with a single line through the centre.

passage one

questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

online classes began to be popularized just a few decades ago. they are advertised as a way for adults to finish their education and students to learn the material at their own pace 一 it is far more compatible for people with busy schedules.

but after being enrolled in an online course last fall semester, i came to realize online classes were merely a means to fulfil course requirements.

first of all, students lack the desire to learn, and they simply complete their assignments to receive credit for a passing grade rather than genuinely engage with the course material.

as online courses tend to have more than 100 students, most of the assignments are short and simple. they are not designed for students to interact with the material in depth but designed to be graded easily to accommodate such a large number of students.

perhaps the biggest disadvantage of taking an online class is the absence of face-to-face interaction between the teacher and their students. live sessions are infrequent and are often scheduled during the middle of the day when students have to attend other classes or work. the office hours of the professor may also be during inconvenient times for many students as well. most interaction with the professor has to be through email which is often impersonal. it is nearly impossible for students to build a relationship with their professor.

there is also little interaction among students. it can be harder for students to create study groups and form relationships with their peers.

online classes also require either a computer or laptop and a reliable internet connection. not all students have access to these types of resources, whether it is for financial or other reasons, and some students can be put at a disadvantage.

offering online classes certainly helps students who would otherwise not be able to attend classroom sessions. however, they fail to provide a genuine education with an emphasis on convenience rather than critical thinking. we need restructured online classes in which students can have a learning experience that will actually provide quality education.

46. what does the author say about students enrolled in online classes?

a)they can access course materials easily.

b)they are unmotivated to learn.

c)they can learn at their own pace.

d)they rarely fulfil the course requirements.

47. what does the author think of online course assignments?

a)they are made convenient to mark.

b)they are meant to facilitate interaction.

c)they are based on easily accessible material.

d)they are given to accommodate students’ needs.

48. what does the author say is one disadvantage of online classes?

a)they are frequently scheduled at irregular times.

b)they make professors’ offices much less accessible.

c)they tend to increase professors’ burden of responding to students’ emails.

d)they provide little chance for students to build relationships with each other.

49. what problem may arise if classes go online?

a)more students may find it easy to be absent from them.

b)teachers will worry about poor internet connections.

c)some students may have difficulty attending them.

d)schools with limited resources will be at a disadvantage.

50. what does the author think constitutes a key part of genuine education?

a)acquisition of useful knowledge.

b)training of real-life skills on campus.

c)development of students’ personalities.

d)cultivation of analytical thinking ability.

答案:26-35:cgfoe aldnb

36-45:gdmaf keicj




来源 | 学风建设部

编辑 | 朱思诺

初审 | 曹安慧

终审 | 吕夏毅 刘雅静返回搜狐,查看更多

