

1、旅游英语情景对话1 nick: i think you made the right choice, coming to us. we have a wide selection of vehicles you can choose from. david: i would like to rent a car with a good stereo. nick: all our cars have stereos in them. stereos, air conditioning. its all standard with us. david: good. i am here visiti

2、ng my girlfriend. i want her to have a good time. nick: oh, is that so well, then. let me show you something she might like. its on our back lot. david: this is a porsche! nick: yes. beautiful, isnt it david: but i probably cant afford it. it must be really expensive. nick: well, sir. you said you w

3、ere looking at cars at the rental agency at the airport. now with them youd spend your money and get nothing for it. but you could probably rent this porsche from us, for the same price as one of their standard cars. david: but how can you do that nick: its because our prices are so good. and this c

4、ar has a lot of miles on it. but its in nice shape, isnt it david: yes, it almost looks new. nick: take a seat inside and see what you think. nick: so you will take the porsche then, sir david: yes, and i want to buy the insurance too. i think its necessary. nick: youre smart to buy it. at 45 dollar

5、s for three days, it is a good deal. david: can i return the car in san francisco nick: san francisco no, sir. we only have this office here. you will have to return it here. david: really i heard in america you can return rental cars in different cities. nick: no, sir. thats only with the very big

6、companies. im sorry, but this car must be returned to this lot. david: well, i guess i will have to drive back down then. hmm. i didnt think of that. nick: do you still want the car, sir david: yes. it will be fun. driving back down the coast. my girlfriend will like it. nick: its a beautiful drive.

7、 david: where are the keys nick: just a moment, sir. we have to finish filling out the forms.2 waiter: hello, my names john. ill be your waiter this evening. can i get you anything from the bar for starters derek: no thanks. what we really need is a booster chair for our daughter. do you have one wa

8、iter: yes, of course. the hostess should have brought you one. just a moment. waiter: our special tonight is duck chambord, which is roast duck served in a raspberry sauce with fresh rasperries. its also served with wild rice and a medley of vegetables. that is 17.95 and it comes with soup or salad.

9、 sandy: what is your soup of the day waiter: our soup of the day is french onion. sandy: the duck sounds good. one of us should have it. derek: alright, you order the duck. sandy: fine. derek: she will have the duck, and i will have the filet mignon. waiter: how would you like your filet mignon, sir

10、 rare, medium rare, or well-done derek: medium rare. waiter: and would you like soup or salad with your meals sandy: i want salad. derek: ill have the soup. french onion, yes waiter: yes, thats right. its very good. i recommend it. sandy: our daughter will share some of our meal with us. could you b

11、ring an extra plate for her waiter: of course, maam. i will also bring your sourdough bread in just a moment. sandy: our bread waiter: yes, we serve it at all tables. sandy: good. thank you. 服务生:您好,我叫约翰,今晚由我为您服务。 我可以为您从吧台拿些开胃菜了吗 迪瑞克:不用了,谢谢。 我女儿需要一把高脚椅,你们有吗 服务生:当然有,女服务员应该要拿给你们的,请稍等。 服务生:今晚的特餐是法式烤鸭, 配

12、上新鲜的莓子酱 菰米和青菜。 价格是十七美元九五美分,附有汤或沙拉。 仙蒂:今天是什么汤 服务生:今天是法式洋葱汤。 仙蒂:烤鸭听起来不错,我们其中一个人点好了。 迪瑞克:好的,那么你点烤鸭。 仙蒂:好。 迪瑞克:她要烤鸭,我要腓力牛排。 服务生:要几分熟呢五分熟八分熟还是全熟 迪瑞克:八分熟。 服务生:附餐要汤还是沙拉 仙蒂:我要沙拉。 迪瑞克:我要汤,是法式洋葱汤吗 服务生:是的,很美味的,我强力推荐。 仙蒂:我女儿要和我们共用一份餐, 可以另外给她一个餐盘吗 服务生:当然可以,等会我把小餐包一起送来。 仙蒂:餐包 服务生:是的,每桌都有附赠的。 仙蒂:好的,谢谢。3 attendant:

13、 can i help you, sir sam: yes, ive been sitting here for a few minutes. im waiting for someone to put gas in my car. attendant: im sorry, sir. but this is the self-service pump. sam: self-service attendant: yes. you must fill up the car yourself. sam: are you serious attendant: yes. are you travelin

14、g here sam: yes, im from taiwan. i never heard of a gas station where you fill up your own car. attendant: in america, most gas stations are like this. sam: do i really have to do it i dont know how. attendant: well, since this is your first time, i will do it for you. but next time, if you want a f

15、ull-service gas station, you should look at the sign. sam: what sign attendant: under the sign for the gas station, there will be a smaller sign that says self-serve or full-service. and some gas stations have both. but if they have both, some pumps will be self-serve and some will be full-serve. yo

16、u have to look at the signs. sam: i see. attendant: what kind of gas does this car take sam: i dont know. its a rental. attendant: i will give you premium unleaded. alright sam: sure, why not attendant: that is the pump you are in front of. sam: is it expensive attendant: it is the most expensive. s

17、am: well, i dont want it then. can i move to another pump attendant: yes, i can give you regular unleaded. but you have to back up the car a little. sam: give me regular unleaded then. i will back up. can you wash my windows for me attendant: im sorry, sir. this is not a full service gas station. i

18、will help you fill the gas, but we dont wash windows here. sam: really well, i guess i have to get used to it. 加油站服务员:先生,需要服务吗 山姆:我在这里等一阵子了。 我在这里等人帮我加油。 加油站服务员:先生,抱歉,这里是自助加油站。 山姆:自助 加油站服务员:是的,你必须自己加油。 山姆:真的吗 加油站服务员:是的,你是来旅游的吗 山姆:是的,我从台湾来,我从未听说过需要自己加油的加油站。 加油站服务员:美国大部份的加油站都是自助的。 山姆:我真的必须自己来吗我不知道怎么弄。 加油站服务员:既然你没弄过,那我先帮你好了。 下一次如果你想到服务加油站,应该注意一下招牌。 山姆:什么招牌 加油站服务员:在加油站招牌底下, 有一个小标示写着自助加油站或服务加油站。 有些加油站两种都有。 如果是两种都有的,自助式和服务式的加油管道会分开。 你要看标示。 山姆:我懂了。 加油站服务员:这辆车加什么油 山姆:我不知道,这是租来的。 加油站服务员:我给你加优质无铅汽油好吗 23
