





Unit 1A

选文出自 P111 (201310 完形补文)

Language is one of the things the sets us apart asbeings, one of the things that essentially define us as humans. When languageis used well it can elicit very deep feeling in others, motivate others toaction and define the nature of our relationships. Sometimes in poetry thejuxtaposition (并列) of two wordsor a certain phrase can bring tears to the eyes, call up a whole host ofimagery and move us deeply. We have seen language recently used in the politicsof persuasion, used for good or ill —- depending on your viewpoint. When weuse language to express our true feelings to someone it can open and deepen theconnection between us. Language is a very powerful tool. How we use languageshapes our world both internally and externally. How you use self-talk —-what you say to yourself about yourself and about the world directly shapesyour experience of both yourself and the world. How you deliver communicationshapes

the way the world responds to you. We can use language more effectivelyin both spheres: internal and external and directly influence the health andpower of our personal relationships and our business relationships.


Unit 1B

选文出自P118 (2016年4月填词补文来源) (2018年4月完形补文来源)

English plays an important role in the workplaceand when used in the correct and appropriate manner, it can help boost a careeror a business. Some may need or want to study business English before theystart their careers. Those who are already working have the opportunity to seewhat they can and cannot do effectively in English in their current job.

A valuable skill to have in business is how to negotiate. Youneed to know what you want, as well as how to bargain and make concessions.Being able to deal with a conflict and knowing how to end negotiations can makea big difference to the outcome.

Workplace English learning will encourage professional andefficient communication, which translates as good service to customers andbusiness partners or suppliers, which can only be a positive for any business.




Unit 2A

选文出自 P128 (2017年4月完形补文来源,2019年10月完型补文来源)

Lots ofpeople don’t dare to make mistakes. They fear that they will be ridiculed orblamed by others. They fear that they will lose their money and belongings orbe under a lot of stress. But risks are unavoidable and they do pave the wayyou must tread upon towards success. Have you ever heard of someone whoachieves success without making any mistakes before?

So it is only natural that making mistakes in your effort to reach yourdreams is considered a must, and you shouldn’t worry about that as you may geta lot of advantages out of your mistakes. By making mistakes at least you thencan distinguish between the correct and the incorrect portions of what you did.Anthony D’Angelo said: “In order to succeed you must fail, so that you knowwhat to do the next time”, and Robert Louis Stevenson even went to the extremeas to say: “Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail ingood spirits.”

You needn’t worry about anything as long as you keep on going by wiselylearning from your mistakes and trying even harder.


所以,在你努力去实现梦想的过程中犯错误是必须的,这很正常的,你不应该担心,因为你可以会从错误中获得很多好处。通过犯错至少你可以辨别你做的事情中正确和错误的部分。安东尼·德·安吉洛说过:“为了成功,你必须先失败,以便你知道下一次该怎么做。” 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森甚至更加极端的说:“在我们的生活中不是要成功,而是要持续精神抖擞地去失败。”


选文出自 P129 (2016年10月填词补文来源)

I clearly remember a period during which I felt like a failure. But what Ieventually learned was that failing at one thing is not failing at all things.And, in fact, failure is a necessary part of growth. Life is filled with trialand error. In order to walk the path to success, you need to make some wrongturns along the way. What I learned, to use John C. Maxwell’s terminology, wasto “fail forward”, to use each mistake to make myself better. One of thegreatest problems people have with failure is that they are too quick to judgeisolated situations in their lives and label them as failures. Instead, theyneed to keep the bigger picture in mind. A successful baseball player doesn’tlook at an out that he makes and think of failure. He sees it within thecontext of the bigger picture. His perspective leads to perseverance. Hisperseverance brings longevity. And his longevity gives him opportunities forsuccess.


Unit 3A

选文出自 P149 (2017年10月填词补文来源)

In the daily drama and comedy of our life,it’s nice to have friends. While family is extremely important, friends are adifferent support system of your choosing. As the saying goes, “You can’tchoose your family, but you can choose your friends.” Choosing them wisely canmake your life more exciting and inspiring.

Deciding whom you choose as your friends says asmuch about you as it does them. You may choose your friends based on similarinterests. You may choose them because you’re both polar opposites of eachother and find this interesting and intriguing. Often, friends become “friends”because they naturally attract each other because of similar personalities andtemperaments. Sometimes it’s just circumstances that bring two individualstogether who then become friends.

Whatever prompts a friendship, developing one is avery rewarding experience. This is especially true when, before you know it, acertain friendship turns into a unique lifelong close friendship. Again, it’sbeen said that a person normally has only a couple of very close friends intheir life. Think of whom you consider as truly close friends. These are thoseselect individuals you can trust and share deep thoughts and concerns with,without any reservations.




Unit 4A

选文出自 P169-170 (2015年10月完形补文来源)

Whether you are waiting tables or a brain surgeon, any job you do is aboutserving others and making their life better on some level. We have all hadexperiences where someone working in their job has lifted us up and made adifference to our day or brought us down and made our day worse. We have allmet wonderful people cleaning floors and people who are not so wonderful whohave amazing jobs. So whatever your job, how do you bring love to work? Begrateful for your work. Being grateful doesn’t mean you have to stay in a jobyou don’t like but it will help you to develop a more positive mindset when youare there. You don’t like your job, but you may enjoy being with yourcolleagues. This is something to be thankful for. When you practicegratefulness it will really allow you to develop a more useful outlook and behappier at your work.


Unit 7B

选文出自 P245 (2014年10月完形补文来源)

The erosion of the middle of the labor market is easy to misinterpret,because its roots are multiple. During the 1970s, the entry into the work forceof an unprecedented number of women and young adults born during the baby boomresulting in too many workers for the jobs available, and depressed wages. Thedecline of the middle also has something to do with the explosive growth inworld trade since 1960. As manufacturing technologies have become more mobile,and multinational firms more footloose, production itself has helped to provokethe shifts in the job market. For example, fewer American workers would havebeen needed to make steel in 1980 than in 1960 even if the pressures of globalcompetition had not been a factor, because new machines have made many of theirtasks redundant. Finally, the high rate of unemployment caused by these trendshas tended to drive wages down further, especially at the low end, since itforces unskilled workers to compete for their jobs with unemployed people whoare willing to do work for less.


Unit 9B

选文出自 P295 (2015年4月完形补文出题来源)

Voice and text chat, inaddition to instant messaging, are quickly becoming preferred ways ofcommunicating with others online. For language learners, these forms ofcommunication allow users to share ideas about themselves and the world inalmost real time, and students can establish friendships with people fromaround the globe, and thus, it can be easy way to learn languages and worldcultures.

However, care andconsideration should be given when finding friends on the internet because youreally don’t know who the person is at the other end. Thus, always use anickname when chatting online and never give out personal information includingyour age, where you live, and the name of the school where you attend. Also, becareful about meeting online acquaintances in person, and if you do so, makesure it is in a public place and go with a friend or family member. Finally,contact local authorities if you feel you are in danger. Again, chatting withothers can be a fun and educational activity if you use care when doing so.






