
[浮云]I am writing to thank you for your warm reception when I participated in the Sino-American cultural in America.


I am writing to thank you for……


warm reception

参加用的是一般过去时而不是完成时,句子指的是,感谢"your warm reception in America",注意这个地点放在了最后,如果它放在从句前,主从句有一种隔开的感觉……


thank you for… →extend(发出) my heartfelt gratitude to you for …

when I participated in→during my participation 使句子层次更清晰



your generous help and hospitality gave me an enjoyable stay and a good chance to know more about Amercian culture.


还有enjoyable stay这种表达,


enjoyable 愉快的,快乐的

a good chance……是跟在gave me后的内容,即和后面是并列的,give me a chance to know more about……看起来挺简单的,但自己可能会想不到……


用强调句式,It's …that…

It's your…that make it possible for me to have an enjoyable…


besides, I feel honored to make friends with you and I'll cherish our friendship wherever I go.

……我没想到besides,然后用的by the way, 更无语的是后面我想表达的大概是这个意思,但是我写的是"I'm so glad to known you……

翻译给的是I 'm glad I got to know you……


另外注意一下wherever 的用法,认识,但个人不太会用……


besides, what makes me feel honored is that we have become friends, and our friendship will never fade away in my heart wherever I go.



I do hope you could visit China in coming months, and I can treat you with kindness in return and promote our friendship.

本句应该是本文最难的一句了吧,do表示强调的用法,could 情态动词,in return、coming months和promote的用法,这些东西平时遇到都挺简单的,但是自己写就是写不出来,而且用上真的会让人眼前一亮!

[太阳]个人:英语表达好委婉好有礼貌啊(当然我不确定是不是因为写这篇小作文的人是这样所以显得),"我就可以回报你",用的不是"I can return you",而是"I can treat you with kindness in return",感觉就很舒服~



…coming months so that I can reciporate your kindness and prompt our friendship.


Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your help and kindness.


Again, your help and kindness are greatly appreciated from the bottom of my heart.

用Again置于句首,表示强调;同时使用了被动语态are …appreciated, 使表达很地道,更符合英语习惯





