

2017年考研英语(一)详解text 226.?queen liliuokalani’s remark in paragraph 1 indicates
(favour,because tmt is opposed by some locals partly)
27. mauna kea is deemed as an ideal astronomical site due to(因果关系)
28. the construction of the tmt?is opposed by some locals partly because(tmt的建造遭当地人反对的原因是什么)
29. ★it can be inferred from paragraph 5 that progress in today’s astronomy?
30. the author’s attitude toward choosing mauna kea as the tmt site is one of(中心)
autonomy [???t?n?mi]自治,自治权
economy [??k?n?mi]经济[学];节约(eco经济+nomy某一领域[的知识]→经济[学],引申为节约)
26.?queen liliuokalani’s remark in paragraph 1 indicates
[a] the importance of astronomy?in ancient hawaiian society.
[b] her conservative?view on the historical role of astronomy.
[c] the regrettable decline of astronomy in ancient times.
[d] her appreciation of star watchers’ feats in her time.
【精准定位】①句直引利留卡拉尼女王之言“古代夏威夷人都是天文学家”,顺藤摸瓜,②句随后解释“古代夏威夷社会观星师极受尊敬”。sadly,在这里表转折,相当于but.后面与①句没有关系。答案是②star watchers were among?the most esteemed?members of hawaiian society的同意转换。
conservative:opposed to great or sudden

social change; showing that you prefer traditional styles and values
① wrote queen liliuokalani, hawaiis last reigning monarch, in 1897. ②star watchers were among the most esteemed members of?hawaiian society. sadly, all is not well with astronomy in hawaii today. protests have erupted over construction of the thirty meter telescope(tmt), a giant observatory that promises to revolutionize humanitys view of the cosmos.
astronomer[??str?n?m?(r)] n.天文学家
disaster [d??zɑ:st?(r)] n.向灾难;史祸(dis- (expressing negation);aster=star,表示)(如彗星扫月)
disaster movies灾难电影
astronomy [??str?n?mi] [??str?n?mi] n.天文学;(研究星星的;nomy=a field of knowledge,表示)

astronaut [??str?n?:t] n.宇航员; 太空人; 航天员;
catastrophe ?[k??t?str?fi] n.大灾难;横祸(cat astro=star)
reign [re?n]v.统治;治理;占优势;盛行n.君主统治时期;君主的统治
foreign [?f?r?n] adj.外国的,外交的; 外来的(for- =out of doors; reign统治)
sovereign[?s?vr?n]君主; 最高统治者,主权(sove=solvevt.解决;reign统治)
monarch [?m?n?k] 君主,独裁者(mon+arch 统治者)
monopoly [m??n?p?li] n.垄断; 专卖; 垄断者; 专利品;(mono+poly→独家卖→垄断)
estimate [?est?m?t] n.估计,预测(estim=value 价值)
esteem [??sti:m] 尊敬、尊重
cosmos [?k?zm?s]n.宇宙;
erupt[??r?pt]v.喷发; 爆发(rupt=break)
construct [k?n?str?kt]建筑(struct=build)
destruct [d?str?kt]故意或有计划的破坏(de去掉+struct建立,结构)
telegraph [?tel?grɑ:f] (tele=far graph写→用电写→电报).
telephone [?tel?f??n]( tele远+phone声音,话机→n.电话,电话机) v.打电话
telescope [?tel?sk??p]n.望远镜
promise [?pr?m?s] 允诺,许诺(pro=before;?mis = send,cas t,表示“送

humanity [hju:?m?n?ti] n.人类; 人性; (hum=ground; -ity 名词字尾)(三大宗教中皆以为人是泥巴做的)
humble [?h?mbl] adj.谦逊的; 简陋的; (级别或地位)低下的; 不大的;(在地上的东西)
survey [?s?:ve?]调查 ??(sur在……上面+vey=view看,查)
view=see,表示 ?
view [vju:]景色, 风景
viewpoint [?vju:p??nt]观点(view观察+point点)
envy [?envi]羡慕,忌妒(en+vy=view看,查)
interview [??nt?vju:]接见, 会见(inter在……之间+view看,查)
review [r??vju:] 回顾, 复习(re=again, view看,)
27.?mauna kea?is deemed as an ideal astronomical site?due to(据果求因)
[a] its religious implications.
[b] its protective surroundings.
[c] its geographical features.
[d] its existing infrastructure.
at issue is the tmts planned?location?on mauna kea, a dormant volcano worshiped?by some hawaiians as?the piko , that connects the hawaiian islands to?the heavens.?but?mauna kea is also home to some of the worlds dense

atmosphere,?where conditions?allow telescopes to obtain images of?unsurpassed clarity.
connect [k??nekt]v.(使)连接/接通; 把…联系起来
~ a to/with b
dormant[?d??m?nt] adj.休眠的; 蛰伏的(dorm=sleep,表示)
dormitory[?d??m?tri] 集体寝室;宿舍(dorm睡眠+it+ory场所)
volcano?[v?l?ke?n??]?n.火山;(o 1. 表名词,)(volcan来自罗马神话中的火神vulcan)
solo [?s??l??] 单独的[地];独唱的[地](sol单独+o音乐术语)radio;piano;
at issue is the tmts planned location on mauna kea, a dormant volcano worshiped by some hawaiians as the piko , that connects the hawaiian islands to the heavens.争论的焦点是三十米望远镜选址位于莫纳克亚山。莫纳克亚这座休眠火山被一些夏威夷人奉为连接夏威夷岛和天堂的脐带。
主句采用了倒装语序,由“表语( at issue)+系动词(is)+主语(the tmt从句中,that代替先行词piko作主语,谓语是 connects…to,宾语是the?hawaiian islands, the heavens.
rested in the pacific ocean, mauna keas dense atmosphere, where conditions allow telescopes to obtain images of unsurpassed clarity.高栖于太平洋之中,莫纳克亚山的最高点不受地球稠密的大气层的影响,那里的条件使得望远镜能够获取无比清晰的图像。
主句由“主语( mauna keaspeak+谓语(rises above)+宾语the bulk of our planet主语( conditions)+谓语(allow)+宾语( telescopes)+宾语补足语( to obtain images)”构成,介词短活 of unsurpassed clarity作 images的后置定语。
28. the construction of the tmt?is opposed by some locals?partly because
[a] it may risk ruining their intellectual life.
[b] they fear losing control of mauna kea.
[c] their culture will lose a chance of revival.
[d] it reminds them of a humiliating history.
opposition to telescopes on mauna kea is nothing new. a small but vocal group of hawaiians and environments have long viewed their presence as?disrespect for sacred land and a painful reminder of the occupation of what was once a sovereign nation.
sovereign[?s?vr?n]君主; 最高统治者,主权(sove=solvevt.解决;reign统治)
disrespect [?d?sr??spekt] n.失礼,无礼;(dis=away;respect尊敬)
some blame for the current controversy belongs to astronomers. in their eagerness to build bigger telescopes, they forgot that science is?not?the only way of understanding the world. they did not always prioritize the protection of mauna kea it is a living culture undergoing a renaissance today.
current [?k?r?nt] 现在的; 最近的,电流; 水流;(curr=run,表示跑,发生,快速做)
currency [?k?r?nsi]流传,流通;通货,货币
curriculum [k??r?kj?l?m] curr跑,发生,快速做……+iculum表名词→学生跑来跑去的[依据]→课程表
occurrence [??k?r?ns]发生,出现,事件,发生的事情,occur[v.发生,出现;存在;想起,想到]+ence表名词→occurrence发生,出现
controversy ?[?k?ntr?v?:si]n.辩论;争论
★controversial [?k?ntr??v?:?l] adj.有争议的,引起争议的,被争论的;( contro相反;vers=turn)(来回反转)
prioritize [pra???r?ta?z]vt.按重要性排列
fragile[?fr?d?a?l]adj.脆弱的; 易碎的;
ecosystems [?i?k??s?st?m]n.<生>生态系统
inhabitant [?n?h?b?t?nt] n. 居民(in=into,habit习惯;-ant后缀)
renaissance?[r??ne?sns]n.文艺复兴(时期); 复活,复燃
29. it can be inferred from paragraph 5 that progress in today’s astronomy ?
[a] is fulfilling the dreams of ancient hawaiians.
[b] helps spread hawaiian culture across the world.
[c] may uncover the origin of hawaiian culture.
[d] will eventually soften hawaiians’ hostility.
yet?science has a cultural history, too, with roots going back to the dawn of civilization. the same curiosity to find what lies beyond the horizon that first brought early polynesians to hawaiis shores inspires astronomers today to explore the heavens. calls to disassemble all telescopes on mauna kea or to ban future development there?ignore the reality?that astronomy and hawaiian culture both seek to answer big questions about who we are, where we come from and where we are going. perhaps that is why we explore the starry skies, as if answering a primal calling to know ourselves and our true ancestral homes.
it helps broaden ones horizons它有助于开阔眼界.
inspire[?n?spa??(r)] v.吸气;鼓励(前缀:in- 表示向内;词根:spir-表示呼吸;)
disassemble[?d?s??sembl] vt.解开
assemble [??sembl]集合,召集;装配;收集
recession [r??se?n] n.经济衰退,不景气; 后退(re=back,?cess=go)
ancestral?[?n?sestr?l](ac=to; cess=go;al后缀)
access[??kses]接近;入口(ac=to; cess=go)
ancestor[??nsest?(r)] n.祖先,祖宗;( an=ante前;cest=cess=go;-or人)
concession [k?n?se?n]让步;退位(con=together;cess=go;-ion动作或状态)
excess [?k?ses]过度,过剩(ex=out;cess=go)
necessary [?nes?s?ri]必需品(ne=need;cess=go;-ary物)
necessity[n??ses?ti]必要性, 需要,必需品(ne=need;cess=go;- ity性质,特性)
process [?pr??ses] n.过程;进行 v.加工, 处理
success [s?k?ses]成功;胜利(suc随后+cess=go)(随后跟上)
succession接连发生,继承, 继任(suc随后+cess=go,ion名词后缀)(随后跟上)
perhaps that is why we explore the starry skies, as if (we are)answering a primal calling to know ourselves and our true ancestral homes.【句子讲解】本句是复合句。主句的主语是that,系动词是is,why引导的表语从句作表语;表语从句由“主语(we)+谓语( explore)+宾语( the starry skies)”构成。as if引导的方式状语从句,作主句的方式状语;该从句省略了 we are,补充完整应为 we are answering…;其主语是we,谓语是are answering,宾语是 a primal calling,动词不定式短语 to know?ourselves and our true ancestral homes作 calling的后置定语。句首的副词 perhaps作状语。
yet science has a cultural history, too, with roots going back to the dawn of civilization.【句子讲解】本句是简单句,其主语是 science,谓语是has,宾语是 a cultural history;副词too作状语,独立主格结构with roots?going back to the dawn of civilization作伴随状语。句首的连词yet承接上文,表转折。
30. the author’s attitude toward choosing mauna kea as the tmt site is one of
[a] severe criticism.
[b] full approval.
[c] passive acceptance.
[d] slight hesitancy.?(hes=stick,表示it=go)
the astronomy community is making compromises to change its use of mauna kea. the tmt site was chosen to minimize the telescopes visibility around the island and to avoid archaeological and environmental impact. to limit the number of telescopes on mauna kea, old ones will be removed at the end of their lifetimes and their sites returned to a natural state. there is no reason why everyone cannot be welcomed on mauna kea to embrace their cultural heritage and to study the stars.
community [k??mju:n?ti] n.社区; 社会团体; 共同体;(com-=together,mun=server,-ity名词后缀,… 的地方。)
prominent [?pr?m?n?nt] adj.突出的,杰出的(pro=before+min伸+ent……的)(向前伸出→杰出的)
★compromise [?k?mpr?ma?z] n.妥协; (名誉等的)损害; 妥协(com= + promise保证)
★promise[?pr?m?s] vt.允诺,许诺;(pro 前面+mise)(在做事前送出的话
★heritage [?her?t?d?]n.遗产;
inherent [?n?h??r?nt] adj.固有的,内在的; 天生( in里面+her粘附+ent……的)
inherit [?n?her?t] 继承,经遗传获得( in里面+her粘附;it=go)
there is no reason why everyone cannot be welcomed on mauna kea to embrace their cultural heritage and to study the stars.【句子讲解】本句是复合句。主句是 there be句型,由“ there+be(is)+主语( no reason)”构成。why引导的定语从句,修饰 reason;从句的主语是everyone,谓语 cannot be?welcomed使用了被动语态,and连接的并列的动词不定式短语to?embrace their cultural heritage?to study the stars作主语补足语;介词短语 on mauna kea作地点状语。
26. queen liliuokalani’s remark in paragraph 1 indicates
[a] the importance of astronomy in ancient hawaiian society.
[b] her conservative view on the historical role of astronomy.
[c] the regrettable decline of astronomy in ancient times.
[d] her appreciation of star watchers’ feats in her time.
27. mauna kea is deemed as an ideal astronomical site due to
[a] its religious implications.
[b] its protective surroundings.
[c] its geographical features.
[d] its existing infrastructure.
28. the construction of the tmt is opposed by some locals partly because
[a] it may risk ruining their intellectual life.
[b] they fear losing control of mauna kea.
[c] their culture will lose a chance of revival.
[d] it reminds them of a humiliating history.
29. it can be inferred from paragraph 5 that progress in today’s astronomy ?
[a] is fulfilling the dreams of ancient hawaiians.
[b] helps spread hawaiian culture across the world.
[c] may uncover the origin of hawaiian culture.
[d] will eventually soften hawaiians’ hostility.
30. the author’s attitude toward choosing mauna kea as the tmt site is one of
[a] severe criticism.
[b] full approval.
[c] passive acceptance.
[d] slight hesitancy.
  26. ????????queen liliuokalanis remark in paragraph 1 indicates
  [a] its conservative view on the historical role of astronomy.
  [b] the importance of astronomy in ancient hawaiian society.
  [c] the regrettable decline of astronomy in ancient times.
  [d] her appreciation of star watchers feats in her time.
  【答案】[b] the importance of astronomy in ancient hawaiian society.
  27. ????????mauna kea is deemed as an ideal astronomical site due to
  [a] its geographical features
  [b] its protective surroundings.
  [c] its religious implications.
  [d] its existing infrastructure.
  【答案】[a] its geographical features
  28.????????the construction of the tmt is opposed by some locals partly because
  [a] it may risk ruining their intellectual life.
  [b] it reminds them of a humiliating history.
  [c] their culture will lose a chance of revival.
  [d] they fear losing control of mauna kea.
  【答案】[b] it reminds them of a humiliating history.
  29.????????it can be inferred from paragraph 5 that progress in todays astronomy
  [a] is fulfilling the dreams of ancient hawaiians.
  [b] helps spread hawaiian culture across the world.
  [c] may uncover the origin of hawaiian culture.
  [d] will eventually soften hawaiians hostility.
  30.????????the authors attitude toward choosing mauna kea as the tmt site is one of
  [a] severe criticism.
  [b] passive acceptance.
  [c] slight hesitancy.
  [d] full approval.
  【答案】[d] full approval.
