

artificial intelligence (ai) systems are using imaging information from paintings and photographs to create new images in the same style(
sta?l n.
风格 vt.把…设计(或缝制、做)成某种式样). dall-e, midjourney and stable diffusion are among the ai tools that can create images that copy the styles of real artists.
人工智能(ai)系统正在利用绘画和照片中的成像信息,以相同的风格创建新的图像。dall-e、midjourney和stable diffusion是可以创建复制真实艺术家风格的图像的ai工具之一。
a user can ask the system to produce an image, such as “a cat in the style of van gogh,” and the ai tool will quickly do so.
that makes living artists worry that their works will be copied without their permission. two new legal

actions, or lawsuits(
?l??suts n.
诉讼), have been brought against the ai companies creating the images.
getty images has brought one of the lawsuits. the american company is based in seattle, washington. it owns the rights to millions of pictures and other images.
getty is accusing london-based company stability ai of violating getty’s copyright. copyright protects works of authorship(
???θ?r??p n.
), including images and artworks. the owner can sell the work or permit others to use it.
three working artists also took legal action this year against stability ai, and the companies midjourney and deviantart. the artists say the companies’ ai images

unfairly “compete in the marketplace with the original images.”
今年,三名在职艺术家也对stability ai以及midjourney和deviantart公司采取了法律行动。艺术家们表示,这些公司的人工智能图像“在市场上与原始图像竞争”是不公平的

midjourney ceo david holz recently spoke to
associated press
about the issue.
“can a person look at somebody else’s picture and learn from it and make a similar picture?” he asked, adding “it’s allowed for people and if it wasn’t, then it would destroy the whole professional art industry.”
real versus(
?v??rs?s prep.
对抗,与…相比) fake images
the lawsuits come at a time when there is growing concern about new ai tools. these include systems that create readable text, music, computer code, and images. some experts worry that ai technology could get too good, including

engineer wael abd-almageed.
诉讼发生之际,人们对新的人工智能工具越来越担忧。其中包括创建可读文本、音乐、计算机代码和图像的系统。一些专家担心人工智能技术可能会变得太好,包括工程师wael abd almageed。
“once we lose this capability(
?ke?p??b?l?ti n.
能力) of telling what’s real and what’s fake(
fe?k adj.
伪造的 n.假货 v.伪造 ), everything will suddenly become fake because you lose confidence(
?kɑ?nf?d?ns n.
信心 adj.骗得信任的) of anything and everything,” he said. abd-almageed teaches electrical and computer engineering at the university of southern california.
however, some artists welcome the ai systems as new tools for creativity.

there is a lot of room for fear, but “what else can we do with them?” asked artist refik anadol, who uses ai to create.
使用人工智能进行创作的艺术家refik anadol问道:“恐惧的空间很大,但我们还能用它们做什么呢?”。
in new york city, anadol’s work “unsupervised” is on show at the city’s world-famous museum of modern art. the large installation(
??nst??le??n n.
安装) represents the many artworks(
?ɑr?tw?rks n.
艺术作品) at the museum through a constantly(
?kɑ?nst?ntli adv.
不断地) changing image based on ai.
but anadol hopes future uses of ai will permit artists to choose whether their art be included in new creations.
“i totally hear and agree that certain artists or creators are very

?n?k?mft?bl adj.
不舒服的) about their work being used,” he said.
i’m andrew smith.
