
I only care what you think of yourself.If you feel your value lies in being decroative, I fear that someday you might find yourself believing that's all that you really are.Time erodes all such beauty,but what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind.Your humor,your kindness..

.and your moral courage.These are the things I cherish so in you.



1.lie in 在于

2.erold [??ro?d] 腐蚀

3.diminish [d??m?n??] 减少,降低

4.moral courage 道德勇气

5.cherish [?t?er??] 珍惜

What is it about reading books that increases our brain power while reading newspapers doesn't? First, reading a book of any genre forces your brain to think critically and make connections from one chapter to another, and to the outside world, which may provide a greater defense against the worst effects or cognitive decay. Second, reading books, especially fiction, has been shown to increase empathy and emotional intelligence, both of which are proved to help you live longer.




1.brain power 脑力

2.genre [??ɑ?nr?] 体裁,种类

3.force sb/sth to do 强迫某人做某事

4.cognitive decay [?kɑ?ɡn?t?v] [d??ke?] 认知衰退

5.fiction 小说

6.empathy [?emp?θi] 同理心

7.emotional intelligence 情商
